US Embassy in Havana suspends consular services due to power failure

The embassy will inform the public when it can restore normal operations.

Embajada de Estados Unidos en La Habana (Imagen de referencia) © CiberCuba
United States Embassy in Havana (Reference image) Photo © CiberCuba

The United States Embassy in Havana suspended its services this Thursday due to an electrical failure in the building's headquarters.

As announced on its Twitter account, it will remain closed throughout the day and consular services will be suspended.

"We will inform the public when the embassy can restore normal operations. Please follow our page for the most up-to-date news." accurate.

The diplomatic headquarters did not report what type of breakdown there was or whether it was due to a problem inherent to the property or an external factor.

The building of theUS embassy in Havana faces a construction renovation of 28 million from 2022 of dollars, which has faced obstacles due to logistical problems and political tensions with the Cuban regime.

After years of abandonment, the restoration works that began in May of last year could be delayed by six months, so they would conclude in March or April 2024.

According to a State Department source, cited by the agencyReutersLast year, when the embassy reopened its doors after almost five years closed due to the so-called "Havana Syndrome", the building was in a dire state. Pieces of the façade even fell off from the upper floors, posing a danger to passers-by.

Hurricane Irma in 2017 caused damage to lower windows, a guard post, and granite siding. The perimeter fence was rusty and was wobbling due to the usual force of the winds on the Havana coast.

Benjamin Ziff, US chargé d'affaires in Cuba, pointed out the importance of having a secure embassy in Cuba. "The important thing about diplomacy is that it's not just about politics, it's also about logistics. You have to have a presence. You need to have people. You need to have a building."

Theembassy resumed its consular services in January, one of the most favorable measures since President Joe Biden took office in the United States.

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