Cuban Recipe, the delicious website of a Guantanamo woman who triumphs far from her island

Dailis Ferrer's publications that have had the greatest reach on the Internet are her desserts with guava and cheese.

We Cubans have been scattered around the world for some decades, but we have not forgotten our roots. Some people even take it upon themselves to strengthen them, regardless of whether they live on the island.

That is the case of GuantanamoDailis Ferrer Moreira, a chef who lives in Spain and is determined to give long life to thecuban recipes, so that the flavors of their land continue to delight the world.

Dailis spoke withCyberCuba about the origin of your websiteCuban Recipe, a place full of traditional dishes and many tricks to achieve, wherever you are, the authentic flavor of the land.

"I started the website and YouTube channel in Cuba in 2018. I was running it there until early 2020 when I moved to Spain," Dailis commented.

The pace that she and her husband lead in creating content about Cuban food is very intense, although they also have a project dedicated to international food. Is calledKitchen Guru and offers a variety of recipes with products that are not common in Cuba, but are common in Miami, Latin America and Spain.

One of Dailis' concerns ishow to help people who are in Cuba, who do not have the resources to choose what they want to eat. He knows that on the other side of the sea there are thousands of people who must reinvent the same dish a thousand times to feed their families.

"On the YouTube channel I have a series called"With what is in my Cuba". I try to cook only with what can be found there. I collaborated with several YouTubers who bought the ingredients and gave them ideas of what to cook with the little they have, always delicious, easy and innovative dishes," he commented.

Roasted pork leg, Cuban Recipe / Courtesy of CiberCuba

The Cuban YouTubers with whom he collaborated have left the country and now Dailis is looking for new people on the island, eager to learn how to cook, to continue with this series.

Another project he has to help Cubans is to show themhow to work on social networks, creating diverse content. He will do so by telling his experience in all this time away from Cuba.

Thecuban recipes who have had the most interactions on their website are thedesserts. Among them, the guava candy bar, the guava and cheese pastries and the flans have a special place.

Cubans, and foreigners who want to know the flavors of Cuba, also love roast pork, in its various forms.

The success ofDailis Ferreron social networks has arrived thanks to constant work, perfecting herself every day, the presentation of her dishes and maintaining fluid communication with her followers.

The young woman from Guantanamo has more than 44 thousand fans on Instagram and more than 200 thousand on YouTube. She consolidates her career as a content creator with the support of her family. It has become a reference, ifcuban recipes it is about.

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Gretchen Sanchez

Branded Content Writer at CiberCuba. Doctor in Sciences from the University of Alicante and Graduate in Sociocultural Studies.

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