Deputy owner of Mypime responds to Díaz-Canel: "Banking will bring the closure of businesses"

"The proposed implementation lacks a comprehensive analysis of the problem and its solution," said Carlos Miguel Pérez Reyes.

Carlos Miguel Pérez Reyes © Canal Caribe
Carlos Miguel Perez Reyes Photo © Canal Caribe

The deputy of theNational Assembly of People's Power (ANPP) and owner of Mipyme,Carlos Miguel Perez Reyes, shared with the rulerMiguel Diaz-Canel a reflection on the consequences ofbanking process, among which “the closure of businesses” in Cuba stood out.

A tweet by Díaz-Canel indicating that he is “aware of the debates generated by the banking process” and inviting “all those involved to provide more information and answer the doubts of the population and economic actors,” gave rise to the response of the deputy and CEO of Dofleini S.R.L.

“I don't think there is a single honest person in Cuba who does not advocate banking. But the proposed implementation lacks a comprehensive analysis of the problem and its solution,” said the president of a company dedicated to software development, computer consulting services and advice on digital transformation issues.

The deputy pointed out to the governor some issues that have not been analyzed when implementing the banking process and other adjustments in the monetary policy of a regime that is in trouble among theinflation and the fall in income from tourism and exports.

“The fiscal deficit caused by the absence of state goods and services in MN, the absence of a legal exchange market, the disrespect for foreign exchange generated by exports, the shortage of supplies in stores, the system of payments to suppliers abroad, etc., are for me part of the causes and of which there is not a single statement,” said Pérez Reyes.

In this scenario, he considered, it makes no sense to push the “new economic actors” to develop their activity using “a virtual currency without convertibility to obtain the basic inputs for their operation.”

Like many of the entrepreneurs that emerged with “continuity,” Pérez Reyes needs a convertible currency and a relatively stable exchange market to which he can turn to pay suppliers, import supplies, and run his company with profits that allow it to grow and create jobs.

“The way we are proposing the solution to the problem, we will see: closure of most gastronomic establishments, total or partial lack of parts and pieces, no more containers of chicken or oil, no more productive chain to import flour, etc. ", he predicted.

In addition, he warned of the risk of advancing in the banking of the economy without an adequate “banking infrastructure,” with obvious failures in its operation, especially in telematic services such as “payment gateways, point-of-sale services and magnetic cards.” .

“Yes to banking, but gradual, with access to some exchange market and with an eye on all the problems that have brought us here,” recommended the ANPP deputy.

In that sense, the businessman also proposed a series of measures or areas of action to be studied and debated by the regime's decision-makers, such as "supporting the currencies of exporters and remittances as a means of financing businesses."

“Correct the deficiencies and limitations of institutions and systems that support banking services without having a triumphalist speech that everything is fine, when it is not,” Pérez Reyes also pointed out among other measures that he considered necessary and that “can only come from thinking collective of the people united for the development of the country.”

A visit towebsite from Dofleini Software makes it clear that Congressman Pérez Reyes is well positioned as a “new economic actor” of continuity, that he has assumed his discourse, that “contributes” to alleviating the socioeconomic crisis caused by the failure of the totalitarian State, that the same donates a microwave oven to a hospital, which blood from its employees.

“What is said to be ‘vital’, this really is not,” the Cuban economist said of bankization.Pedro Monreal. “Food security, reducing poverty, containing inflation and raising salaries and pensions are vital.. ¡Enfoquense!”

It is not the first time that the businessman and deputy Pérez Reyes publicly expresses his arguments in favor of greater liberalization of the economy of a regime that proclaims that "In Cuba there is a single socialist business system", according to the Minister of Economy and Planning,Alejandro Gil Fernandez.

Pérez Reyes' theses were already disclosed by the state media, when he spoke before the ANPP Economic Affairs Commission to say thatThe salary in Cuba “is not even enough for a bar of cheese”, and claim once again the need for policies that favor the growth of “non-state actors.”

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