Cuban Melissa Vargas leads Turkey to the semifinals of the European Volleyball Championship

The Cienfuegos native comes from being MVP of the Nations League and tomorrow will have a difficult match against Italy.

 © @FBvoleybol
Photo © @FBvoleybol

The Cuban nationalized Turkish Melissa Vargas He will lead the squad of his adopted country tomorrow in a clash against Italy corresponding to the semifinals of the European Volleyball Championship.

Since the arrival of Vargas, the Turkish team has experienced a notable increase in its offensive power, an aspect that was reflected in its recent conquest of the League of Nations, with a final victory over the Chinese team. Incidentally, there the Cienfuegos native carried the MVP badge.

The performance of the Eurasian team in the continental competition has followed a similar path. He won his five preliminary matches with sweeps over Sweden, Azerbaijan, Greece and Germany, to which they added a 3-1 success over the Czech Republic.

Once in the round of 16 he had Belgium in four sets, and In the quarterfinals he passed the broom to the representative of Poland.

Vargas has been a key player in all those victories and now he will have to take the reins again in the difficult match against the Bambinas, whose winner will face for the gold against the team that wins between Serbia and Holland.

23 years old, the opposite attacker He debuted at 13 years old on the Cuba team and later he has played in the leagues of China and Türkiye, where he currently wears the colors of Fenerbahçe.

In 2018 She was sanctioned by the Cuban Volleyball Federation, which imposed four years on her without being able to participate in national and international competitions as a result of the girl signing with the Swiss club Volero behind the domestic entity's back.

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Michael Contreras

CiberCuba journalist specialized in baseball, soccer and chess.

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