Angélica Garrido leaves prison after more than two years in prison

“Now we are here, very emotional, the whole family hugging her,” her husband said.

The political prisoner Angelica Garrido She was released this Monday for the first time after more than two years in prison for her participation in the historic 11J protests in Cuba.

“Angélica Garrido, a few days home. She is happy; me, nervous A lot of beauty at once, identical DIGNITY,” he said in his social networks her husband, Luis Rodríguez Pérez.

Screenshot Facebook / Luis Rodríguez Pérez

In statements to Martí News, the husband confirmed that it was the first time that Angélica went on a pass after being arrested and sentenced to three years in prison.

“Now we are here, very emotional, the whole family hugging her,” said Rodríguez Pérez, who has been interrogated on several occasions by State Security repressors.

Previously, the political prisoner's husband explained to the aforementioned media that she would be released for five days after being transferred under a minimum severity regime to the Ceiba Cuatro Women's Penitentiary Center, in the Artemisa province.

“The minimum regime, as it is also known, had been approved for Angélica since July 3 and they will give it to her on the 11th; It is like a camp where the prisoners from there go to work for hospitals in Havana,” explained Rodríguez Pérez.

Angelica and her sister, Maria Cristina Garrido, were detained in the Guatao women's prison for demonstrating on July 11, 2021 in Quivicán. The regime's courts They were sentenced to 3 and 7 years in prison respectively..

In March, both denounced that the authorities of the Mujeres de Occidente prison in Havana They had threatened to suspend family visits.

According to her husband, the threats occurred after they, along with other imprisoned women, They will sign a letter in blood demanding that the Cuban regime release the political prisoners.

Previously, in February, the political prisoner sent a message of support and encouragement to those imprisoned in Cuba for political reasons.

“It is forbidden to be discouraged, because God is fighting this battle for us. Everyone's pain is also our pain. We not only suffer from what is happening to us, but also from the pain of others. That is why we are here, and we are very proud, not only of what we did, but of what you are doing. Thank you for your courage," Garrido expressed in his message to the political prisoners and their families.

The young woman was among the political prisoners who at the end of last February They signed a letter with their blood where they claimed the ruler Miguel Diaz-Canel to free the peaceful protesters of 9/11.

The Cuban regime accuses the Garrido sisters of the alleged crime of attack, allegedly for an incident that occurred inside a police vehicle, after both were arrested the day after the historic explosion.

Both were arrested the day after the peaceful protests. Due to harassment in prison, in mid-2022 Angélica suffered facial paralysis. One month after the father of the Garrido sisters died without being able to see their daughters in freedom.

Both María Cristina (42 years old) and her sister Angélica (40 years old) They are mothers of three and two children, respectively., who are now in the care of relatives.

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Filed in:

Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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