Yordenis Ugás: Patria y Vida is not a fashion, it is a lifestyle

"Our history is full of traitors, of guys without values and without character, but there are many more of us good and patriots," said the boxer.

Yordenis Ugás © Yordenis Ugás / Instagram
Yordenis Ugás Photo © Yordenis Ugás / Instagram

The Cuban boxer Yordenis Ugás assured that "Homeland and Life"It is not a fashion, but a lifestyle, and he criticized his compatriots who are not interested in defending the freedom of their country.

In a text shared on his Instagram account, Ugás pointed out that "Patria y Vida" has been a very important movement for his community and for many Cubans within the Island.

"'Patria y Vida' for real Cubans is not and was not a fad, it is a lifestyle and a super significant message for our country and community. But the hatred of the dictatorship that oppresses you was not born or began with 'Patria y Vida'. and Vida', you had to hate her before," he said.

"If you needed a fashion, a song, a trending and that it was a popular topic to speak for your country, to ask for freedom for political prisoners, to hate the dictatorship, I understand that today you leave and that this topic no longer interests you, and you begin to demonstrate again your apathy, your disinterest and your little consideration and empathy for your people and your country," he explained.

The boxer sent a message of dignity to Cubans, recommending them not to feel bad if someone fails or disappoints in the fight.

"Our history is full of traitors, of guys without values and without character, but there are many good and patriotic ones. We will always have many artists, athletes and personalities who are really in this and who are not negotiable, nor double standards," said.

"We will continue to ask for freedom for the almost 1,000 political prisoners that we have in our country. God, Country, Life, Freedom," he concluded.

Dozens of Cubans showed their support for the boxer's words, including the rapper Yotuel Romero, one of the authors and performers of the song "Patria y Vida".

"'Patria y Vida' is for everyone, but not everyone is 'Patria y Vida'. See you in Las Vegas. You are the pride of 11 million Cubans," Yotuel stressed.

At 37 years old, Yordenis He is one of the most active Cuban exile figures in the cause for the end of the dictatorship and for the freedom of Cuba's political prisoners.

This week, he declared that many of his countrymen They have sugar water in their veins, instead of blood, for not defending the country's freedom, and specified that for him, demanding the freedom of political prisoners is not an act of bravery, but a duty.

"Sometimes I get upset because what many Cubans have is water with sugar in their veins, they have no blood, they have no pride," he commented.

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