A Cuban doctor denounced thatHis sister died due to medical negligence at the Placetas municipal hospital, Villa Clara.
Ocenes Rule, specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics, reported inFacebook everything that happened to his 62-year-old sister last Thursday, September 14, and concluded that "It wasn't that they let her die, but that they killed her".
According to Regla, that day, around 8:00 am, the old woman went to the institution with vomiting and diarrhea, after having eaten a flan the day before that apparently had not been good for her.
In the guard room, the doctors gave him additional tests, and one of them showed thatHe had a blood glucose level of 15.7 ml/L.. They injected him with insulin and told him to go home and drink water.
During the course of the day he returned to the center two more times and was told the same thing.
"The fourth time she went to that place, they laid her down on a stretcher, they repeated her blood glucose test, which was 12ml/I. Around 9:00 pm she called the nurse telling her to help her and take her blood pressure because she felt very bad. The nurse tells him to sit on the stretcher, falling into cardiac arrest; at that moment they channel the vein and intubate it, after calling the intensivist, never coming out of cardiac arrest," he explained.
Given Regla's knowledge, she believes that her sister had the onset of diabetes. Since neither the patient nor her husband know about the issue, they did not call her, who lives in Santa Clara, and when she found out everything, her sister had already died.
When she arrived at the hospital, she spoke with the doctors and nurse who treated her, and they told her that they probably never canalized her vein because there was little infusion equipment. However, his brother-in-law told him that "saw a doctor who kept an IV set in his pocket"he stressed.
"I am a gynecologist-obstetrician and my daughter is a family doctor. We know that diabetes with this onset is admitted, a vein is canalized and electrolytes and liquids are passed with close monitoring of the patient.As a doctor I don't waste medical supplies but I don't save them either., whoever needs them I will provide them because any patient can get complicated and die," he stated.
In this doctor's opinion, hersister died due to lack of care: "it wasn't that they let her die, but that they killed her".
"Every self-respecting doctor does not save or deny medical supplies, endangering human life. And I believe that the doctor who is not prepared to care for patients should go and practice another profession where he does not harm or kill anyone," he stressed.
Regla revealed that she will not complain to the higher levels of Health because her sister is already dead and it is not worth it, but that she will not accept any call from any leader in the sector either.
"Those responsible for the poor public health situation in our country, thePoorly trained doctors who are harming and killing patients have another burden on their conscience., because I know that my sister is not the only victim," he lamented.
This week, a Matanzas resident reported thedeath of a young man from leptospirosis due to medical negligence in the hospital in the Colón municipality, where he lived.
Omar Sánchez reported that the boy went to the hospital several times with a high fever and the doctors only told him that he was incubating a virus, as if they were "fortune tellers." When the disease was detected it was too late. He died of cardiac arrest.
At the end of August ayoung mother of two two-year-old twin girls died due to alleged medical negligence in Matanzas.
A person close to the victim reported on Facebook that the death occurred in Playa Larga, when the victim underwent surgery to remove an adhesion from the tubal ligation and her intestine was perforated. They sent her home and when she returned to the doctor, there was no remedy.
During those days, a Cuban woman reported another alleged case of medical negligence at the Gilberto Marquetti polyclinic, in Candelaria, Artemisa, where a man died from a heart attack.
According to his daughter, Susan Aportela Parra, her father arrived at the polyclinic with chest pain andIt never occurred to any doctor that he had a heart attack.
There was also no paper to do an electrocardiogram and they finally determined that he had osteochondritis, a joint disease.
"The most communist and revolutionary man I have ever met and he dies in the worst way that a person who has left his life waiting for the revolution to one day rise up and change can die," the woman lamented.
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