Marlon Pijuán congratulates Luis Silva on his birthday: "It goes without saying the admiration I have for you"

On his Instagram Marlon shared photos with the comedian who plays Pánfilo and some words full of love and admiration.

Luis Silva y Marlon Pijuán © Instagram / Marlon Pijuán
Luis Silva and Marlon Pijuán Photo © Instagram / Marlon Pijuán

Luis Silva It's his birthday this Monday and one of thecongratulations that came through the networks was that of his friend and colleague inLive the story Marlon Pijuan.

On his Instagram Marlon shared photos with the comedian who plays Pánfilo and some words full of love and admiration.

“People today the boy has his birthday. Happy birthday to my team's leadoff hitter, I wish you a home run in the next game. It goes without saying how lucky I have been to meet you and how much admiration I have for you, you know that.”

The young actor also had some words for Silva's mother who is just celebrating her birthday on October 9: “PS: tell Lili that the motorist outside her house sends her a kiss, many congratulations and blessings that today is her birthday.” first".

Silva responded in the comments to Marlon's congratulations, but couldn't help but notice the last snapshot in which he appears with a wig and glasses: “The third photo... is worth it. Thank you, little brother.”

Capture Instagram / Marlon Pijuán

In that same social network, Silva did not overlook the date ofhis and his mother's birthdayand shared a photo of both, “the factory and the product.”

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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