Fidel Castro's son charges against the Ministry of Agriculture: "They must give many answers"

Alexi Castro Soto del Valle is not a very visible figure in the Cuban media, nor has he stood out for holding political positions.

Alexis Castro Soto del Valle © Twitter Alexi Castro Soto del Valle
Alexis Castro Soto del Valle Photo © Twitter Alexi Castro Soto del Valle

Alexis Castro Soto del Valle, one of the five children of the late dictatorFidel Castro withDalia Soto del Valle, charged against the Ministry of Agriculture on social networks, insisting that the state body must provide answers for thefood shortages in Cuba.

In a post on Twitter Alexis acknowledged that it isthe value of a carton of eggs is very high in the country, but he said that it was the official press that first reported the case because in his opinion Fidel taught that "the greatest critics have to be the revolutionaries themselves."

Alexis Castro Soto del Valle He is not a very visible figure in the Cuban media, nor has he stood out for holding political positions. He is popularly known as "the engineer son" and in recent times he is very active on Twitter.

In his comment thread about thefood shortages in Cuba blamed theDepartment of agriculture of the situation of scarcity due to not having yet known how to interpret (after more than 60 years) some basic concepts of the world economy, applied to the Cuban communist reality.

"Concepts such assense of ownership, the neededautonomy to invest, associate, produce and market, theprice formation, which should not be by mandate, but respond to an econometric science, themarket role (...)", said Alexis.

He did not stop there, he went much deeper into his analysis, ensuring that the government does not "fully understand, in agriculture, the role of each form ofownership and management, from the state to theprivate peasant, going through the various formscooperatives, each one has its place and function."

He pointed out that soon the State administration body that is in charge of the country's agricultural and livestock production will carry out a report assessing its actions this year and he hopes that they will be "critical."

Alexis Castro Soto del Valle in X

"We hope it is not a complacent rendering of accounts to be fulfilled, but a truly critical and revolutionary report," said Fidel's son.

WhileAlexis Castro Soto del Valle try to defend on social networkshis father's ideas, and give an image of "revolutionaries who dialogue", the Cuban people continuewithout having a decent plate of food what to bring to the table.

Thewrong economic policies, particularly those of the last five years, have impoverished the country to extreme levels. Many families cannot make ends meet with their salaries and there are people in Cuba who can only eat one scant meal a day.

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