Truck with cement silo crashes in Havana

The events occurred this morning in the popular council of Calabazar, in the Boyeros municipality.

Imágenes del accidente © Facebook / Accidente Buses & Camiones
Images of the accident Photo © Facebook / Bus & Truck Accident

Andtruck with which he was transporting a cement silo crashed this Sunday in Havana, with no injuries reported in the incident.

Publications shared on social networks showed images of the truck that ended up leaving the road, in the shape of a “knife,” according to users.

The events occurred this morning in the popular council of Calabazar, in the Boyeros municipality. At the time of writing this note, neither the authorities nor the official press report what happened.

Screenshot Facebook / Bus & Truck Accidents

“Now in the [distribution] La Fortuna, Puente de Calabazar... I don't know the details... it was left in the shape of a knife,” indicated a user from the group ofFacebook “Bus & Truck Accidents. For more experience and fewer victims!'

Apparently, the spectacular incident did not cause major damage to the vehicle or injuries to its occupants.

Screenshot Facebook / Bus & Truck Accidents

At the end of September, several residents of Ciego de Ávila experienced a tense moment whena cement conveyor harrow ran out of brakes in a busy area of the city and threatened to cause an accident.

According to the testimony of an Internet user, it was a harrow that lost its brakes in front of the Canaleta prison, in the aforementioned territory.

"There were many people and horse-drawn carriages on the road," but the harrow driver began yelling at them to get out of the way, while trying to avoid the vehicles on the road and avoid an accident, the user explained.

In November of last year,The cabin of a truck transporting cement caught fire on the road between Boniato and El Cristo, in front of the Fruticentro, in Santiago de Cuba.

Several users on the networks documented the incident and indicated that the fire caused the cabin to finish melting. From the testimonies and images released, the fire did not appear to have spread to the loading area, which was presumably removed earlier.

In February of that year, the deputy prime ministerRamiro Valdes Menendez confirmed thatCuba suffers from a cement and steel deficit, which negatively influences the construction and repair of homes in the country.

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