Government promises to normalize bread production after arrival of flour to Cienfuegos

The promises from government officials come in the midst of an energy crisis that has paralyzed basic services in the country, such as the production of some foods.

Distribution of bread in Cuba (reference image) Photo © Girón Newspaper

After several days withoutpan and in the midst of the energy crisis that has forced the government to paralyze a considerable number of services in the country, the production of this food that is distributed in a rationed manner to the population seems to receive a respite inHundred fires.

Magalys Torres Abreu, director of the provincial Food Industry Company, assured the official newspaperSeptember 5 that the Cienfuegos Wheat Mill has the raw material for processing, and that “once the flour is available, it will be transferred to the bakeries to restart the production and sale of the demanded food” for the basic basket. normed.

The official's statements come after “the situation of having three days without bread” and “a free sale not available to the entire population,” with flour that had to be “managed inMSMEs”. The 200-gram bread was sold for 60 pesos by the Cuban Bread Company, which, he clarified, will not be “the bread that is going to be established as a normal sale to the population.”

The agreements between MSMEs and the Cuban government are not an isolated event. In Sancti Spíritus,The state-run Cuban Bread Chain announced the creation of work or cooperation agreements with some of these companies so that they could supply the flour and the state company could produce the bread that would be sold in the bakeries.

For months now, the country has had a critical situation in the production and marketing of bread.Last June, Cubans stopped enjoying the much-demanded food, as a consequence of a shortage that escalated to a critical point.

Among the measures taken by the regime has been the reduction of the established grams. In September,The families of Ciego de Ávila began to receive standardized bread of only 50 grams of weight, instead of the usual 80 grams.

Meanwhile, in Sancti Spíritus - given the fuel deficit, the effects on the electrical service and the lack of raw materials -The Provincial Food Industry Company subtracted 20 grams from the bread ration that the population receives by the supply book.

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