Cuban mother survives after more than 20 days in critical condition due to sepsis

The woman was grateful to the doctors who managed to save her life despite the limited resources that health professionals in Cuba have to work with.

Yulibet Díaz León © 5 de Septiembre
Yulibet Díaz León Photo © September 5

A Cuban mother survived a period of more than 25 days in critical condition, admitted to the Cienfuegos hospital, due to sepsis resulting from an abscess.

Yulibet Díaz León, 35 years old and resident of the Castillo-CEN community, is the mother of two young children who were her inspiration to cling to life and overcome the sepsis that almost killed her, in a country where resources for health care are increasingly scarce. increasingly scarce.

She was admitted to theGeneral University Hospital "Dr. Gustavo Aldereguia Lima" for more than 20 days and, against all odds, she managed to win the battle for her health and return home to her little ones.

The young Cuban showed her gratitude to the professionals who treated her in the Multipurpose Intensive Care Unit.The fifth of September interviewed the doctor who handled the case, theDr. A.S. Yoany Ojeda Treatment, second degree specialist in Intensive and Emergency Medicine.

"The most significant thing and one of the aspects that caught our attention was thatshe was always reported in critical condition, with danger to life. Even so, her desire to live and our efforts resulted in Yulibet winning the battle against death," said the doctor.

Facebook Fifth of September

The story of this woman has been used by the official press to highlight the potential of the Cuban health system, which is going through a deep crisis that hasat the edge of collapse for almost three years.

On social networks, Cubans report every day harsh cases of abandonment in hospitals due to lack of medicines,lack of ambulances, essential supplies for medical services and even health professionals.

In 2022 the sectorhealth in Cuba had the lowest figures of the last five years, with a decrease of 31,308 specialists, including doctors, technicians and nursing assistants. Vacant positions have been left in several areas, affecting the quality of services throughout the country.

This Thursday aCuban father denounced who has been admitted to a hospital with her baby for more than 78 days, with a brain tumor, because there are no surgeons who can operate on the girl. The health center only performs surgeries for "emergency cases."

"Someone tell mewhere is that medical power because I don't see it. The supplies to guarantee the surgery are now complete, but unfortunately I do not have the doctor or the anesthetist. "That cannot be donated or brought from abroad," said the desperate Cuban.

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