Heartbreaking images after tornado in Playa Baracoa: Families lose their homes and belongings

The event lasted only 20 minutes, enough to leave several families from the town of the municipality of Bauta on the street, who fortunately saved their lives.

El tornado arrasó viviendas en Playa Baracoa © Collage Facebook/Alberto Arego, Liz De Rodríguez y Lázaro Manuel Alonso
The tornado destroyed homes in Playa Baracoa Photo © Collage Facebook/Alberto Arego, Liz De Rodríguez and Lázaro Manuel Alonso

Heartbreaking images begin to circulate on social networks testifying to the severe damage left in its wake by the tornado that this Thursday afternoon hit Baracoa Beach, on the north coast of the province of Artemisa.

According to preliminary reports, in the La Loma area the strength and speed of the winds of the atmospheric phenomenon devastated with several houses in the area, leaving its inhabitants without homes or belongings.

The tornado lasted only 20 minutes., enough to leave several families in the municipality of Bauta on the street, who fortunately saved their lives.

The videos and photographs are very graphic and document the considerable losses for the residents of Playa Baracoa.

Photo taken from Facebook/Alberto Arego

In a shocking reel, the user Liz De Rodríguez He launched a call for help for his friend Erika Masiel Campbell and his family, who lost everything due to the atmospheric event.

Facebook Capture/Liz De Rodríguez

“There are no human losses reported, only material losses. Houses that with effort and hard sacrifice those people managed to make,” she said, and provided a telephone number (+59168965) so that those who can provide support can contact her.

Photo taken from Facebook/Alberto Arego

On his Facebook page, the journalist Alberto Arego He documented the disaster through photos and testimonies sent to him by residents of La Loma: “There was a tornado, there are no houses left“said one of the residents.

Facebook capture/Alberto Arego

“It ended in La Loma de Carucho. This event was very serious, my family was affected,” said another. “All of La Loma above the houses are in disarray. This was a horror"There are many children outside because the tornado knocked down their houses," he added.

Everybody screaming through the houses. Here in Los Cocos he knocked down many trees and some zinc gates. But the big disaster is in La Loma,” revealed a neighbor.

Photo taken from Facebook/Alberto Arego

A note from the Provincial Meteorological Center of Artemisa, published by the communicator Fidel Toranzo, specified that between “3:40 and 4:00 p.m. (local time) a tornado was reported that caused numerous rains, thunderstorms and strong winds”.

According to the report, the meteorological phenomenon traveled from the Héroes de Cangamba Primary School to the town of La Loma, covering a distance of approximately one and a half kilometers.

The event caused “damage to power lines, partial collapse of roofs of homes belonging to the town of La Loma, as well as tree felling. Due to this damage caused and the short duration of the phenomenon, it is classified as EF0 with winds between 125 and 137 km/h, according to the Improved Fujita scale.”

Photo taken from Facebook/Alberto Arego

According to experts, the tornado “It was due to the strong diurnal warming, the high relative humidity content and the local instability conditions as well as the presence of an upper trough located in the Gulf of Mexico.”

Photo taken from Facebook/Alberto Arego

The Cuban Meteorological Institute published its first report of the natural event on social networks around 7:30 p.m. and reproduced the report from the Artemisa Meteorological Center.

Hours after the tornado passed, Even the local, municipal and provincial authorities have not commented on the event., which occurred between three and four in the afternoon, leaving a trail of destruction over the coastal town in the west of the country.

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