Neighbors of Luyanó denounce excessive drug sales on the streets

The residents of that Havana neighborhood have made several calls to control the sale of drugs since the death of a two-year-old girl who was fatally beaten by her stepfather, apparently drugged.

Calzada de Luyanó © Habanafotos / Facebook
Luyanó Causeway Photo © Habanafotos / Facebook

Following the death of a two-year-old girl who was beaten by her stepfather – supposedly under the influence of drugs – residents of the Havana neighborhood of Luyanó have asked the authorities for action to control the sale of narcotics on the streets.

In the Facebook group "Only people from Luyanó" several posts have appeared in recent days warning of the growing sale of drugs in some areas of that neighborhood, without the police intervening effectively.

Neighbors have even published names and locations of the vendors, despite which they have seen few police raids.

"Good afternoon, I make this comment, returning once again to the topic of drugs, gentleman, let's raise awareness, I still don't know what the authorities of this country are doing that do not act, do not take measures in the face of this situation," states a publication from an anonymous Internet user.

He said that "Luyano is completely mined in Juan Alonzo between Matías Infanzón and Juan Abreu streets."

Publication inFacebook

Likewise, "everywhere around that block there are these people selling these substances and nothing is done about it," he emphasizes.

Another neighbor agreed that the neighborhood "is booming," but lamented that the authorities only appear when someone puts the anti-government slogan "Homeland and Life" on a wall.

"It suits them (the regime), so people are distracted and don't worry about the miseries we are going through," he said.

Anti-drug raid in Luyanó on October 29. Facebook

In other posts dating back to October, neighbors even provided the names and locations of some vendors, "who also consume and steal."

"What they say is very true... and they were missing names... here I am going to give you some that I know and as I remember I will add more because this has already gotten out of control, since these people, in addition to consuming and assaulting, also they sell... and these people are the ones who are harming our young people, that you see them dressed in high school and smoking that shit," noted a publication from October.

Facebook post

"Dundy, Yoyo, there is a little black guy who lives on the same corner of Santa Ana and Luco... after crossing Luco as if you were going to Villanueva, in the first hallway at the back, I don't remember his nickname but his name is Yoeli "said the post.

Furthermore, "next to the cafeteria that is in front of the Fénix there is a hallway and all the women there sell drugs without mentioning that young people from the moment they wake up are under the effects of that damn drug."

They also considered that it is a problem that is getting out of hand and that would have already resulted in thefamily feminicide of the two year old girlKamilia Melit Alonso Ocampo, who was a frequent victim of domestic violence, like his older brother.

The mother and stepfather would have abused the minor on countless occasions under the influence of drugs, neighbors reported. On the day of the little girl's death, the mother had gone to the pharmacy, apparently drugged, when the stepfather, in the same condition, fatally kicked the girl in the stomach "to get her out of his way when he was going to pass by." .

Facebook Post

Nothing could be done to save Kamila's life. The autopsy, according to the aforementioned source, "found blood and other liquids in the stomach of the minor, who also presented hypoglycemia and signs of malnutrition."

The forensic examination also specified that the girl had bruises in several areas of her body and a damaged trachea.

Since then, the residents of that popular Havana neighborhood have doneseveral calls to the authorities to control the sale of drugs, without the operations to do so being notable so far.

Days after the minor's death, a Facebook user published images of the police in the area and said that they were "picking up a few people who are bringing drugs into the neighborhood."

He stated that the photos belonged to a collection of people involved with drugs.

Publication inFacebook "Only people from Luyanó"

"There is violence and the vast majority because of that shit they are getting into, people no longer have love for anything, nor do they believe in anything, I think that together we can put a stop to it, and it is not gossip, I just want to raise awareness and avoid greater evils, a few days ago it was the 2-year-old girl whose stepfather killed her for doing drugs, but tomorrow it could be any of us or our children," he stressed.

"Luyanó is full of drugs and good, and let the whole world know about it," said the Internet user.

What do you think?


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