More blackouts in Cuba: Felton Thermoelectric Plant enters maintenance

Technical work in this block of the Thermoelectric Power Plant can take 13 days or more.

Bloque Uno Termoeléctrica Felton © ACN
Felton Thermoelectric Block One Photo © ACN

The Lidio Ramón Pérez Thermoelectric Power Plant, known as Felton, in the Holguín municipality of Mayarí, entered the maintenance process this Monday.

Maintenance actions are scheduled in Block One of the thermoelectric plant to correct operational parameters. Technical work in this area can take 13 days or more.

In the turbine they will clean the condenser, repair the feed pumps and take action on one of the circulation pumps. They will change the mochettes and replace the hydrazine and ammonia lines for the correct operation of the boiler.

They will do an electrical check, change the generator brushes, repair the output transformer and work in the automatic sector.

ACN He pointed out that maintenance was mandatory after 213 days and 15 hours of continuous generation to the National Electro-energetic System (SEN).

Last week theCuban Electrical Union acknowledged having a deficit of more than 1,000 MW, which represented that a third of the country's energy demand would remain unsatisfied.

In October the government had published a "reassuring message" in which it assured that it already had the fuel necessary to reduce blackouts.

Once again they changed the discourse, in November the blackouts will not be due to lack of fuel but due to maintenance actions.

The Cuban regime, after three years in the energy crisis, no longer has any arguments left to give to the people. Their inability to solve the problem of blackouts in the country has been evident for decades and solutions have not come.

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