Official press recognizes increase in femicides in Matanzas

From January to June 2023, the number of femicides in Matanzas equaled the seven that were committed in all of 2022.

Violencia de género (referencial) © Cibercuba
Gender violence (referential) Photo © Cibercuba

The official press has recognized in Matanzasan increase in femicides compared to previous years.

Although without reference to the term, the article “The uncovered faces of violence”, by journalists Ana Cristina Rodríguez Pérez and Jessica Acevedo Alfonso, published in the local government newspaperGiron, recognizes that “Matanzas is not immune to this phenomenon that has been on the rise in recent years.”

The journalists assure that, from January to June 2023, the number of femicides in Matanzas equaled the seven that were committed in all of 2022.

“The ages were between 20 and 57 years and 98% of the basic causes were associated with assault with a knife; In turn, the remaining 2% were due to assault with a blunt object and haste,” they specify.

In 2022, for their part, the seven women victims of femicides in Matanzas were between 22 and 56 years old.

“In these cases, aggression with a knife prevailed,” this exceptional article continues to say in the context of the secrecy with which the Cuban authorities treat the figures of femicides.

In 2021, the journalists claim that 4 femicides were committed, according to a preliminary statistical report from the Provincial Legal Medicine Service. One more than in 2020, when “three female corpses with homicidal medicolegal etiology were received in said service, and whose basic causes of death were strangulation, flame burns and assault with a blunt object.”

In contrast to government obscurantism, independent feminist organizations recently confirmed two new cases of femicides in Cuba, whichThe number of crimes against women rose to 76 in the country.

The Yo Sí Te Creo platform in Cuba (YSTCC) and the Gender Observatory of the magazine Alas Tensas (OGAT) verified the murder of a woman of about 43 years old that occurred in an open field on the outskirts of Güines, Mayabeque, between the 4th and November 5, and that of a 62-year-old woman at the hands of her husband in Guanabo, Havana, on September 22.

The 76 femicides represent more than double those recorded in Cuba in 2022, which were 36 in total, which shows an increase in crimes of this nature on the Island.

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