Cuban mother speaks out about one of the doctors on trial: "I should not and above all I do not want to remain silent"

"Those who are sentencing are not murderers."

Uno de los médicos cubanos juzgados por presunta negligencia médica (i) y Una de las pacientes del doctor enjuiciado (d) © Collage Facebook/
One of the Cuban doctors tried for alleged medical negligence (i) and One of the patients of the doctor on trial (d) Photo © Collage Facebook/

A Cuban mother came out in defense ofChristian Solano, one of thesix doctors prosecuted in Bayamo for alleged medical negligence, and the only one whom the prosecution sentenced to three years in prison.

“Personally, I cannot remain silent nor do I want to because my daughter underwent surgery by an excellent group of doctors under the command of Dr. Ristian.”Gleydis Morales Arias wrote in an emotional Facebook post, who accompanied her text with a photo of her daughter and the doctor who is now being prosecuted.

“I owe my daughter's life to him and his great group”said Gleydis, who said he did not understand that this same doctor could be about to go to jail.

“I can't, I shouldn't and above all I don't want to remain silent, becausethose they are sentencing are not murderers, they are excellent doctors who save thousands of lives every day, without resources, without equipment, without medicines”he added.

“What is the fault of our professionals that the state does not guarantee them supplies so that they can provide us with quality service?” questioned the Cuban mother, who insisted that she cannot remain silent knowing that these doctors are facing a daily challenge. health system in crisis, “where they perform acts of magic to save lives without the necessary resources.”

“Our doctors do not deserve to go to prison. Justice for them”, he concluded.

Facebook Capture/Gleydis Morales Arias

The six doctors of the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Hospital in Bayamotaken to trial wereRafael José Sánchez Vázquez, Yoandra Quesada Labrada, Ristian Solano, Elizabeth Silvera. William Pérez Ramírez and Henry Rosales Pompa.

Five of them were sentenced to two years in prison and Dr. Ristian Solano to three years.

The trial was held behind closed doors at the hospital, where doctors were accused of negligence in the case of a young patient who died during surgery.

The exiled doctor Alexander de Jesús Figueredo Izaguirre said he knew details of the case and explained that the doctors had to subject the man - who arrived to the emergency room injured after a serious motorcycle accident - to surgery even though the hospital did notThey had essential resources such as suture material, Levine probes, and the tomograph was defective.

After the announcement of the sentences, a growing number of Cuban doctors have spoken out about the case.

In apaper addressed to doctors and all people of Granma, the prestigious Cuban doctor and academic Esequiel Hernández Almeida, with more than 34 years of work at the Celia Sánchez Manduley Hospital, in Manzanillo, expressed "absolute astonishment" that "six doctors, surgeons, colleagues , young, talented, with families, including children, have been tried and convicted as common criminals by a court in the city of Bayamo."

"Those colleagues WERE NOT WRONG, they did not commit a crime, they do not deserve to be tried and much less convicted. If anyone wants to discuss with me the details of their actions, I am willing to discuss it, with whoever," he stressed, and asked the Provincial Health Directorate , to the provincial group of Surgery, to the University and to the MINSAP, to intercede for the sanctioned doctors.

The urologist at that hospital Aldo Luis Zamora Varona, for his part, said that when the deceased underwent surgery, he was in a nearby operating room, he participated in the crisis andHe detailed part of what happened.

Several doctors supported both doctors and defended that in Cuban hospitals there are no basic supplies to care for emergencies. Doctor Renán García even promised to take the claim to the World Health Organization (WHO).

On the other hand, it is not the first time in recent weeks that Figueredo Izaguirre echoed the crisis of supplies at the Bayamo hospital.

At the beginning of October, doctors from the Carlos Manuel de Céspedes Provincial Hospital sent a letter to the exiled doctor to denounce the terrible situation that he faces. health center and its patients due to the lack of essential resources: bandages, sutures, levine tubes, endotracheal tubes and other essential elements to deal with medical emergencies.

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