Drugs detected in jars of seasoning sent to Cuba from the United States

Miami agencies sent marijuana in seasoning packages complete with the mules.

Pomos de sazón provenientes de EE.UU. que contenían droga © Twitter/MININT
Seasoning bottles from the US that contained drugs Photo © Twitter/MININT

The Ministry of the Interior (MININT) reported in a Round Table dedicated todrug trafficking in Cuba this Tuesday about the arrest of several individuals who usedfull seasoning knobs sent via parcel from the United States, tomask synthetic cannabinoid type drugs.

The investigation revealed that the packages were received and distributed on the island by intermediaries.

The first lieutenant and criminal instructor, Liznelis Peña, explained thatFour people were arrested within the framework of the investigative process., who were charged with the procedural guarantees corresponding to each of them.

It was possible to determine and identify that the source of supply in the United States were Cubans who had their support base in the national territory, who were detained and included in the process.

Seasonings, due to their strong smell, are a method frequently used to make the detection of narcotic substances difficult and camouflage.

Peña emphasized the importance of raising awareness among those who offer their data to receive packages or serve as "mules" - whether with or without remuneration - about theThe criminal consequences they will face for engaging in this type of crime, regardless of whether or not they know the contents of the shipments.

Lieutenant Colonel Abrahan Estonelle Ríos, official of the Technical Department of Investigations, explained that the introduction of the synthetic cannabinoid in Cuba "constitutes a challenge for the confrontation agencies" due to the various forms of masking used to enter that drug into the country.

Regarding consumption, it was warned that consumers often have no idea what type of cannabinoid they are consuming, since drug traffickers mix them with other types of substances, which can even be more harmful to health.

A total of 689 people have been sanctioned for drug trafficking in Cuba so far this year, and 92% of those sanctioned have gone to jail, according to data revealed in the aforementioned official program.

During 2023, attempts were made to introduce drugs into Cuba through three international airports, among them Suriname, from where cocaine has been sent under various forms of disguise.

In the case of the United States, attempts have been made to enter the country mainly with synthetic cannabinoids in liquid form, stings, folds of paper, food and various household appliances, according to the Head of the Anti-Drug Directorate of the DTI of the MININT, Colonel Juan Carlos Poey. War.

The trend also persists to introduce electronic cigarettes, some containing drugs, as well as jams and gummed candies that contain marijuana.

This year, 2,290.6 kilograms of drugs were seized in Cuba, of which 193.59 kilograms were seized as a result of the operational confrontation.

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