Police anti-drug raid results in dozens of detainees in Havana

The operation was deployed around El Curita Park in Central Havana, known for being a meeting point for drug addicts at night.

Near Curita Park, in Centro Habana (archive image) Photo © CiberCuba

In an anti-drug operation carried out by theMinisterio del Interior (MININT), dozens of people were detained in the popular El Curita park, located in the San Leopoldo neighborhood, in Havana.

This park, known to be a meeting point for drug addicts at night, has been the subject of concern from local residents due to theincrease in drug trafficking and consumption.

A report from the independent mediaDiario de Cuba (DDC) revealed that police officers and special troops (black berets) searched the area from last Saturday until early Tuesday morning.

Fundamentally concerned about the increase in the consumption of the synthetic cannabinoid known as "the chemical", police forces carried out an operation to address the situation in El Curita, which resulted in the arrest of several drug suppliers and dozens of young people addicted to this substance. .

Low-cost and highly addictive, the drug known as “el chemist” was sold in the area for about 200 pesos, making it more affordable for young people compared to other substances such as “the stone” (crack) ordope.

Among those detained,DDC identifiedMaykel Herrera, noted as one of the local distributors. Additionally, during the raid, four more young people were arrested by the authorities.

According to the aforementioned media, residents of the area expressed their relief at these police actions, and reported that the park and its surroundings were already perceived as dangerous and unsafe places due to the presence of addicts.

This raid comes amid a worrying increase in drug use among young Cubans. At the end of November, the news emerged that a total of689 people had been sanctioned for drug trafficking in Cuba throughout 2023. According to data revealed in the official Mesa Redonda program, 92% of those sanctioned were sentenced to prison terms.

Even though that himMinistry of Public Health (MINSAP) does not consider this problem a public health emergency, the authorities have expressed concern about the increase in the consumption of synthetic cannabinoids and crack in the capital.

In May 2021, the MINSAP published a report on the relationship between the coronavirus pandemic and addictions, where it highlightedthe increase in the consumption of illegal substances on the island.

“The most traditionally used drugs in the nation are tobacco and alcohol, but during the last decade and in certain population segments, the abuse of illegal and prescription substances such as marijuana, cocaine, chemical (synthetic marijuana) has increased. ), as well as drugs such as tramadol, morphine and carbamazepine," the Doctor of Sciences explained then.Justo Reinaldo Fabelo Roche, head of the Department of Addiction Research at the University of Medical Sciences of Havana

Mercedes Cabrera, mother of a young addict for four years, shared withDDC her experience battling her 23-year-old son's addiction, pointing out the difficulties in getting effective help through the public health system.

In turn, reports presented by the Ministries of Education and Higher Education reveal that the average age of initiation of drug consumption among Cuban youth is 15 years.

In an attempt to address these problems, Cuban authorities haveintensified its efforts to combat trafficking and drug use. In a recent report presented in the official program 'We Make Cuba', it was highlighted that 91% of the crimes committed in the country during the previous year were related to violence and drug consumption.

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