Javier Milei does not invite Díaz-Canel, Maduro or Ortega to the transfer of power in Argentina

Milei has avoided having to greet and share a photo with Maduro, Díaz-Canel, Ortega and Raisi, who systematically violate human rights in their countries.

Javier Milei (i) y Miguel Díaz-Canel (d) © Collage Twitter/Javier Milei - Twitter/Presidencia de Cuba
Javier Milei (l) and Miguel Díaz-Canel (d) Photo © Collage Twitter/Javier Milei - Twitter/Presidency of Cuba

The elected president of Argentina, Javier Miley, decided that Miguel Díaz-Canel, Nicolás Maduro, Daniel Ortega and the president of Iran, Ebrahim Raisi, will not be invited to the official investiture ceremony, scheduled for December 10.

Milei has avoided having to greet and share a photo with rulers who systematically violate human rights in their countries and support terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah, according to the Argentine media. Infobae.

Nevertheless, The future Argentine president is not going to prohibit diplomats from those nations with legal representation in the country from participating in official events.

"Argentina's separation from the 'communist axis' will be total. Not only will it break relations with the three socialist dictatorships in Latin America and with the Iranian Islamic dictatorship, but Foreign Minister Diana Mondino confirmed that Argentina will not join the BRICS, the political group led by China," warns the aforementioned media outlet.

Although Milei drew a red line with Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, is more diplomatic with China, Russia and Brazil, since the Foreign Ministry sent invitations to Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and Lula da Silva.

If the United States and Israel - their two parameters in foreign policy - dialogue with the leaders of China, Russia and Brazil, why wouldn't Argentina do so, which has historical ties and a very important flow of foreign trade with those three countries.

During his campaign, Milei mentioned that although all commercial relations will be maintained and even promoted, There will be no diplomatic relations with countries aligned with the “communist axis”, who is currently led by Xi Jinping from Beijing.

Javier Milei won the Argentine elections on November 19 and will take office on December 10, coinciding with International Human Rights Day.

The leader of the La Libertad Avanza party defeated the ruling party Sergio Massa, who headed the Unión por la Patria party, a group with clear sympathies with the Cuban regime, identified with Peronism and controlled by Kirchnerism.

“Hello, I am Javier Milei, the Liberal Libertarian, and this message is for all the Cuban brothers who are waking up to the ideas of freedom, who are rebelling against that 'son of remilp...' regime that is screwing them over. life,” said the economist on his social networks after the historic outbreak of 11J in Cuba.

Excited about the events of 11J on the Island, the university professor and lecturer He asked Cubans not to give up in their fight for freedom.

“Freedom will bring you prosperity, well-being and above all, a lot of happiness. So, Cuban brothers, do not give in. Don't give in, it's your time, move forward! “Long live freedom, damn it!” he said then.

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