Aggression in Holguín: Cuban mother accuses the police of beating her son

The young man's mother filed a complaint against the officers who beat her son, but the police closed the case, without offering details.

The Cuban mother Yuneisi Rodríguez González, denounced that the National Revolutionary Police (PNR) in Holguín brutally beat his son, David Alejandro Pérez Rodríguez (22 years old) allegedly without reasons.

In statements to CyberCuba The victim's mother explained that the event occurred on November 30, at 2:00 am, on Río Street, in the Alcides Pino neighborhood in the city of Holguín.

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"My son was leaving the house where he works as a carpenter, they had been hanging out with a group of friends and drinking beer since the afternoon. We live on the back block and on that small path, a Zuzuki motorcycle collided with two Department agents. Investigation Technician (DTI) dressed in civilian clothes and without identification," said Yuneisi.

After the crash, two other motorcycles appeared, making a total of three vehicles with six officers who hit the young man.

"They kneeled him, handcuffed him and began to hit him for no reason. A neighbor who was present began to scream and ask for help. Thanks to that, more people came out and the police stopped beating my son. They put him on a motorcycle and They took them to the Fourth Unit of the PNR," said the mother.

After spending time in the police unit in his neighborhood, the young man was transferred in a patrol car to the First PNR Unit and after verifying his information they told him to go home.

"We went to the Citizen Services office and it turns out that the complaint we filed against this police violence is not in any system, that is, it looks like we did nothing," Yuneisi said indignantly.

"The Lieutenant Colonel identified as Osmani, Second Chief of the PNR in Holguín, was the one who was present when making the complaint. Later, when I called to see how the investigation of the case was going, he told me that my son received injuries that do not require treatment and That's why we didn't proceed to file a complaint."

The Cuban mother is outraged by the police abuse her son suffered. She made the complaint to the authorities and was not heard, so she took her case to social networks, where she has received the support of dozens of Cubans and some of them are asking for justice and an end to arbitrariness on the island.

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