Reel about the police who allegedly extort him: "He's my childhood friend"

The scene was recorded by citizens in the middle of the street. The forklift driver later went online to "defend his friend."

A forklift driver who sells agricultural products on the streets of Havana claimed to be a "childhood friend" of a police officer who allegedly extorted him in El Cerro.

JournalistMario J. Penton reported on this case where there is strange behavior on the part of the forklift driver, who has come out to "defend his friend the police officer" on social networks.

"Do you remember the forklift driver who, after being 'suffocated' by a police officer in El Cerro, gave him a bag of food? Well, the insecurity of the State made him film a video saying that the police officer was his childhood friend and that he gave him that because it came from his soul. See the before and after and tell me if you believe him," Pentón said.

The video has generated thousands of interactions and comments on the journalist's social networks. The majority of Cubans assure that the truck driver's statements are orchestrated by State Security to protect the image of the police in the country.

"He even had to think of the name of his supposed childhood friend. Furthermore, when he expresses himself, no one leaves his gaze fixed on a single point for a long time. You can tell he is reading a script," said a user about the forklift driver's statements.

Thecuban police faces a stage of discredit in the country, for not supporting the people, contributing to political repression and responding only to the interests of the regime.

Furthermore, there are numerous cases ofcorrupt and violent police that have come to light in recent years, further degrading the image of law enforcement in Cuba.

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