Police arrest a forklift driver in Havana and a crowd of people take away the merchandise

Comments from alleged witnesses indicated that the avalanche of people was encouraged by the detainees themselves, who preferred that people take the merchandise before it was confiscated by the police.

Agents of theNational Revolutionary Police (PNR) They arrested a street vendor, known in Cuba as “forklifts” and a crowd of people took the opportunity to loot the truck and take the merchandise.

The events took place in Havana and were recorded by the cell phone camera of a local resident. The video, shared bysocial networks It does not specify the date or exact place where the events occurred.

“Look how the people are in Havana! "They left the truck empty!" the author of the video is heard saying, recording from the height of an apartment located in a building next to a plaza, apparently that of Cristo, located on the corner of Teniente Rey and Cristo Street. , in Old Havana.

The images show how police officers violently detain the self-employed worker and arrest him at Patrol 835. Apparently, a second person is also detained at the event, while some pedestrians appear to protest both arrests.

Comments on the TikTok publication indicate that the avalanche of people looting the products from the cart was encouraged by the detainees themselves, who preferred that people take the merchandise before it was confiscated by the police.

In the midst of the acutefood shortage in Cuba, the authorities have undertaken a new crusade against the forklift drivers and theprivate vendors on the country's roads, who have seen the number of police operations against them increase.

In mid-September,a police operation against forklift drivers who sold agricultural products in Havana ended with the imposition of fines on 42 of them, according to the capital's government.

During tours carried out in eight Havana municipalities, the authorities detected 42 people “exercising the activities of self-employed worker (TCP), forklift driver and TCP, ambulatory food vendor, in fixed points of sale, violating the provisions of their work projects. "said a note published by the Government of Havana.

The information indicated that these private workers “applied abusive prices to their products and did not have the documentation to support their legality.” In addition, he questioned that 26 of them “exercised the activity without possessing the documentation to do so legally.”

The government did not disclose the amount of the fines imposed. The forklift drivers were notified under Decree 30/21, which establishes the measures to be applied for “the violation of the rules that govern the price and rate policy,” and Decree Law 45/21, which regulates “personal contraventions in the exercise of self-employment” in the country.

The operations were carried out in the municipalities of Centro Habana, Old Havana, Plaza de la Revolución, Playa, Boyeros, Guanabacoa, Habana del Este and La Lisa.

In its publication, the government assured that the operations are part of the “combat in Havana against abuse and speculation,” a slogan that is increasingly less convincing to a population that blames the government of Miguel Díaz for its misery and food insecurity. Canel.

Nor do experts believe that the shortages and high prices suffered by Cubans areconsequence of the "abuse and speculation" of the forklift drivers and self-employed.

“Compelling the traffic of forklift drivers does not increase the supply of food or reduce inflation,” the economist said in September.Pedro Monreal. “Make coherent economic policy for important problems and stop shooting sparrows with cannons.”

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