Cars are trapped on Havana's Monumental Highway due to flooding

Vehicular traffic was interrupted along the Monumental at the entrance to the Alamar neighborhood, in Eastern Havana, due to heavy rains.

SeveralCars were trapped this morning on the Monumental Highway in Havana due to a flood caused by the heavy rains that fell in the last hours in the city.

Photo: Facebook / Hello Havana

The provincial telecenter reported on its wallFacebook that heVehicular traffic was interrupted by the Monumental at the entrance to the Alamar neighborhood, in Eastern Havana.

Photo: Facebook / Hello Havana

According to the information, the intense rainfall that occurred this morning accumulated 131 mm at the Casablanca meteorological station.

Facebook screenshot / Hello Havana

Additionally, in Bauta, Artemisa, 94 mm were reported in less than 12 hours.

Facebook screenshot / Francisco Rodríguez Cruz

The Forecast Center of the Institute of Meteorology (INSMET) detailed that the Cuban capital has been under a complex meteorological situation in recent hours, marked bynumerous electric shocks and heavy rains, which have even caused flooding partial in some municipalities, including Diez de Octubre.

"The rain has been persistent at night and early morning in Havana. It also dawns with rain. There isreports of effects on the electrical service in several municipalities", revealed journalist Lázaro Manuel Alonso on social networks.

Another of the places that suffered light flooding was Micro 10, also in the Alamar neighborhood.

Facebook screenshot / Armando Santana

Furthermore, at least thepartial collapse of a building located on the corner of San Lázaro streets and Perseverancia, in Central Havana.

The accident, which occurred in the early morning, left no deaths or injuries. According to the Municipal Assembly of People's Power, those affected "were transferred to a protection center."

The property had already been the subject of a complaint from a neighbor who protested its poor state of repair and structural problems.

"As you can see, the two buildings are deteriorated. The walls of one were removed twenty-odd years ago and it is still there, propped up. The other, where I live, is the same, dismantled. It is collapsing and we are waiting for collapse," the whistleblower said in October.

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