Femicides in Cuba: They amount to 81 crimes due to sexist violence during 2023

The number of femicides recorded in the country during the year rose to 81, after the confirmation of the murder of Yamilet de Jesús Domínguez Torres, 36, from Holguín, by her ex-partner and father of her child, in Banes.

Feminicidio (imagen de referencia) © Pixabay
Femicide (reference image) Photo © Pixabay

Two weeks before the end of 2023, the number offemicides registered in the country during the year amounted to 81, behind theconfirmation of the murder of Yamilet de Jesús Domínguez Torres from Holguín, 36 years old, by her ex-partner and father of her son, in Banes.

HeGender Observatory of the feminist magazineTense Wings (OGAT) confirmed the feminicide, which was preceded by theDomínguez disappearance for 19 days, being the eighth crime of sexist violence this year preceded by the disappearance of the victim.

After regretting the tragic event, OGAT confirmed that it was afeminicide the murder of Domínguez, in his home in Banes, Holguín, “whereHis body was found buried on December 13 after reporting herself missing on November 24.”

The publication conveyed “condolences to the young son who survives her, to her mother and siblings, and to her friends and community, who did so much for her search.”

The gender observatory also raised the “urgency” that there be independent bodies “that requisition the investigative work of the PNR, and that it has to be accountable for its work to the citizens and respond to the consequences of bad practices and the inaction".

Likewise, he warned theneed to create in Cuba “a protocol for action in the face of disappearances”, which is corroborated in the videos on social networks of thesearches organized by authorities and citizens for Yamilet”.

The publication said that these facts were published by the media, citizens and activists, and verified by the joint effort of OGAT and the platformIYesI Believe in Cuba.

With this new feminicide, the underreporting maintained by both independent organizations amounted to 81 femicides, in addition tonine attempts, two gender-based murders and five cases requiring access to police investigation.

The feminicide of Domínguez, mother of a six-year-old child,shocked the Banes community, to Holguín, and to Cubans in general, who for almost three weeks followed the search for the young woman.

Residents in that Holguín town had a direct participation in the operations to find her, in which police forces, the MININT and other State institutions took part, as well as family, friends and co-workers of the victim.

Thedisturbing details of Domínguez's murder They were revealed the day before in publications on social networks. This Thursday the identity of hisvictim, Yordanis Fonseca Rodriguez.

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