Wave of robberies in Hialeah neighborhood is captured on cameras

Thieves look for coupons and gift cards, as well as Amazon packages.

Robo de correos © Telemundo 51/Captura de video
Mail theft Photo © Telemundo 51/Video capture

Hialeah residents reported that thieves who have been stealing mail are proliferating in the city around the Christmas holidays.

Neighbors of that city of Miami-Dade told local media thatseveral robberies have been recorded on camera, and the actions of a man who parks in a white car and goes out with a basket to vandalize the mailboxes of buildings is common.

A report from the channelTelemundo 51 showed the individual, and another group of people wearing balaclavas, stealing dozens of mailboxes.

An official warned thatsteal Correspondence is a federal crime with serious consequences for those guilty.

He assured that in several areas they have changed the locks of the boxes where the envelopes are deposited. He also called on residents to collect mail daily.

Neighbors say criminals are looking for gift cards and coupons issued by various businesses. Also I knowAmazon packages have been stolen and similar services with gifts that people have ordered for Christmas.

In October, Hialeah residents also reported the increase in package thefts at their doorsteps, an increasingly common occurrence not only in Miami-Dade County or Florida in general, but throughout the country.

"We know that it is a national problem," he said in statements toAmerica Camel Jose Torres, spokesperson for the Hialeah police, who recommended that this type of robbery always be reported to the authorities because it contributes to intensifying surveillance in areas where there is an increase in complaints.

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