Young newcomers to Miami open a business selling Cuban pizzas

The young immigrants are working hard to get their business forward with these delicious Cuban pizzas.

Some young cubans, newly arrived in the United States just a year ago, have managed to start their own pizza selling business on Palm Ave Hialeah.

The user of TikTok Dairon Cano He paid these young people a visit. He was able to show the interior of the food truck where they work. Order and cleanliness reign in that small space.

"Cubans in the United States moving forward, fighting and sacrificing. "We are not playing, we came to work," the creator of the video is heard saying.

The young people commented that it is their own business called Aries Pizza. They joined in the project and work side by side every day to move it forward.

In it small restaurant on wheels, delicious Cuban pizzas are prepared and sold accompanied by other snacks or drinks.

The Cubans in Hialeah They fight every day to build their own path in their competitive city.

They take advantage of the investment advantages and loans that capitalism offers, to make the most of the knowledge they bring from their homeland and build a prosperous future, despite being far from their birthplace and the loved ones who have been left behind. Cuba.

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