US Coast Guard returns 56 rafters to Cuba

This is the first operation to return migrants to Cuba in 2024.

Deportación de cubanos © X / MININT_CUBA
Deportation of Cubans Photo © X / MININT_CUBA

The United States Coast Guard (USCG) repatriated 56 Cuban migrants this Tuesday in what represents the first repatriation operation of 2024.

“This Tuesday, January 2, the first return of irregular migrants to Cuba in 2024 took place, when the US Coast Guard returned 56 people, most of them from Matanzas, who had participated in three illegal departures from the country and were intercepted at sea. ”, dijo en X (antes Twitter) el Ministerio del Interior cubano (MININT).

On December 28, the USCG repatriated nine Cuban migrants who were detained when they tried to disembark in Key West.

Two days before Christmas Eve the USCG returned to the island other 45 Cuban rafters who were detained off the coast of Islamorada, also in southern Florida.

A published image showed that these rafters were traveling in a precarious rustic boat placed on a platform of what appeared to be polyfoam.

These data show that the Cuban immigration crisis continues unstoppable amid a deterioration in living conditions in the Caribbean nation.

The us coast guard They have returned more than 130 immigrants to Cuba in fiscal year 2024, which began on October 1, 2023.

The arrival of immigrants from the island is also seen along the land borders, seeking political refuge in the United States after a long land journey.

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