Documents of Jeffrey Epstein, billionaire who abused dozens of girls in the US, are declassified.

The documents reveal the magnate's relationships with figures such as Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, Bill Gates and Prince Andrew.

Jeffrey Epstein © YouTube/screenshot
Jeffrey Epstein Foto © YouTube/screenshot

The American justice system declassified at least 45 judicial documents against the magnate Jeffrey Epstein and his wife Ghislaine Maxwell, who were found guilty in 2021 of sexually abusing dozens of girls, especially in Florida.

The documents, presented in the Federal District Court in Manhattan, they added a little more context to the relationships Epstein had maintained over the years with powerful men, such as former presidents Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, tycoon Bill Gates, and a member of British royalty, Prince Andrew, he quoted The New York Times.

Specifically, the files revealed correspond to the case of sexual abuse presented by one of his victims, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, an American who accused the billionaire of abusing her while she was a minor, and his wife of collaborating in the acts.

The documents were previously sealed or censored to hide the names of more than 100 victims, associates or friends of Epstein, who were designated as “J. Doe” and had a unique identification number.

The files contain excerpts from statements by Maxwell, Giuffre and extensive testimony from Johanna Sjoberg, the latter describing an incident in which the Prince Andrew touched her chest in a joking tone. Although much of the information was already known through media interviews, this is the first time it has been made public through the legal system.

Sjoberg, one of Epstein's alleged victims, said in May 2016 that she was close to Epstein from 2001 to 2006. She was asked if during that time Epstein had ever spoken with her clinton.

“He once said that Clinton likes them young, meaning girls,” the woman declared. He also said that while traveling with Epstein on one of his planes, they made an unscheduled stop in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

"Jeffrey said, 'Great, let's call Trump,'" Sjoberg said, adding that Epstein suggested they visit Trump's casino.

As for Prince Andrew, Queen Elizabeth II's second son, Sjoberg stated that when she was introduced to him, "he put his hand on my chest."

Reports reveal that Prince Andrew and Virginia Giuffre have reached an out-of-court settlement regarding the sexual abuse lawsuit filed by Giuffre.

The transcripts of the depositions include references to prominent figures such as the aforementioned prince and former United States President Bill Clinton. Although Clinton confirmed in 2019 that she had flown on Epstein's private plane, she denied having knowledge of the financier's "terrible crimes."

Epstein's VIP connections also include figures such as Bill Gates and Donald Trump, both of whom have come under scrutiny but have not been accused of wrongdoing related to their ties to the businessman.

Epstein, registered sex offender, He was formally accused in 2019 of operating a sex trafficking and child abuse ring., but committed suicide while awaiting trial. His wife, Maxwell, was convicted in 2021 of sex trafficking and is serving a 20-year sentence.

Most of the famous people linked to Epstein have said they were unaware of his abusive behavior toward teenage girls or young women.

Clinton, 77, issued a statement in 2019 saying she knew nothing about Epstein's "terrible crimes." Trump, for his part, has said that he had a “breakup” with Epstein years ago and that he “was not a fan.”

In total, Judge Preska ordered more than 200 documents declassified, the rest of which are expected to be released in the coming days after lawyers involved in the litigation review them.

The materials largely comprise legal motions and fragments of testimony given by complainants that described in detail how Epstein had sexually abused them, including forcing them to masturbate him during massages.

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