Outraged father throws stove and gas cylinder into the street: “The lack of respect for the people increases”

Dennis Domínguez, father of Lester Domínguez Ortiz, said he does not have time for long lines because his priority is taking care of his son.

Dennis Domínguez con su hijo © Facebook/Dennis Domínguez
Dennis Dominguez with his son Photo © Facebook/Dennis Dominguez

Dennis Dominguez, father ofyoung man attacked with machetes in Holguín last March to steal his phone, made the decision to throw his stove and his gas cylinder into the street, given the impossibility of being able to purchase the product in Cuba, due to the lack of supply of the vital fuel and the long lines he has to wait to reach it.

In a post on his profileFacebook, the father has said that he is doing without the service because it has taken “a week to buy balita because there was no fuel to carry it,” and he says that around 200 balitas loaded with fuel arrived and even with a sick young man, he could not buy it.

Facebook/Dennis Dominguez

In his publication, Dennis denounces the existence of several queues at the facility where gas is dispensed in the town of San Germán, municipality of Urbano Noris, in the province of Holguín.

In a whole list made by the desperate man, they appear with higher priority than him, among whom he pointed out, ironically, prosecutors, Party leaders and members of the Government.

In addition, he specified that he decided to throw away the gas cylinder because this would remove that worry since he is carrying his son,Lester Dominguez Ortiz, to rehabilitation from Monday to Friday between 9:00 and 11:00 in the morning.

“Be careful, this is getting worse every day, bureaucracy, socialism, irresponsibility and lack of respect for the people are increasing,” the man concluded to describe a situation that is not endemic to San Germán but is replicated throughout the island.

This very day, in the morning,The enthusiastic father had shared progress in his son's health, which continues with its satisfactory evolution, after advances that have been seen in the mobility of its arms.

For its part, recentlyThe Cuban government increased the price of liquefied gas cylinders that one million 700 thousand customers buy in the country, although it did not clarify whether it was going to guarantee its distribution to satisfy the demand of those customers.

Customers who previously paid 180 CUP for a balita of gas will pay, starting March 1, 225 Cuban pesos for 20 pounds of liquefied gas, which represents a 20% increase in the price of this product.

The reactions for theincrease in fuel prices in the country, which have also caused theincrease in fares on public transport, They have provokedendless reactions of disagreement in the population.

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