The Cuban singerYotuel Romero responded to a publication by the national coordinator of theCommittees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), Gerard Hernandez Nordelo, who used his social networks to mock the teamHomeland and Life, made up of professional Cuban baseball players.
“Homeland and Vira. "Look for another name!" the former spy of the Cuban regime said this Sunday in a publication ofFacebook in which he encouraged his followers to look for new and satirical nicknames for the team of theCuban Professional Baseball Federation (FEPCUBE).
In a nauseating exercise in cynicism and provocation, Hernández Nordelo asked: “Don't they say that sport should not be politicized?”. The leader of the Cuban regime did not hesitate to launch such a mockery, with which he tried to accuse the Cuban athletes who escaped from the cage of the “politicization of sport.”revolutionary sport”, a propaganda machine devised by the late dictatorFidel Castro.
Among the comments that his publication received, the one from Yotuel, one of the authors of the song Patria y Vida, which became an anthem for Cubans who want freedom, stood out, andadopted as the FEPCUBE team name.
“War is about achieving strategic objectives and obtaining results, regardless of changes in name, uniform or tactics used. The key is in the focus and the end result, which is winning the war. This type of strategic approach is critical to success on any battlefield. Is very close. Homeland and Life,” commented Yotuel.
Hernández Nordelo, Cuban intelligence agent whoreceived the ranks of captain of the MININT in 1996 for having directed the "heroic" operation that ended with the downing of two small planes belonging to the Hermanos al Rescate organization -and the death of four civilian pilots, sprayed in international waters by Cuban Migs - will have understood Yotuel's “warlike” message.
Or maybe not, considering that his history includesthe failure of his mission as a spy for the Wasp Network –dismantled by the United States and its members convicted-, as well asthe naivety that made him fall into the trap set by Yotuel on April Fool's Day.
That day, the singer announced that he would release a rum with his name on the market. The advertising image featured a bottle with a label very similar to that of an expensive Havana Club rum that is produced outside the island, in Panama.
In the commotion of "cyberclarias" that came out in a rush to accuse him of plagiarism, the voice of the national coordinator of the CDR stood out, an officer who usually boasts of being well informed, but who once again went with the rag and made himswing to a false “launch”, revealing how hard the “heroes” of the dictatorship put themselves between laurels and pork rinds.
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