Spain remembers that there is no agreement with Cuba for homologation of the driving license

If your driving license is Cuban, it is not valid to drive in Spain.

Conducir en España (imagen de referencia) © Pixabay Karabo_Spain
Driving in Spain (reference image) Photo © Pixabay Karabo_Spain

The Spanish government reminded Cubans that there are no agreements with the island that allow the use of the driving license provided in Cuba on the Iberian Peninsula.

"Are you Spanish, do you live in Cuba and are you going to transfer your residence to Spain? If your driving license was obtained in Cuba, it is not valid to drive in Spain. There is no agreement between both countries," said the Department of Labor in the social network

TheGeneral direction of traffic in Spain (DGT) on its official website, indicates that they are valid for driving in its territory:

1. permits from countries that are written in Spanish or are accompanied by an official translation of the same

2. permits from countries that are issued in accordance with Annex 9 of theGeneva Convention, or with Annex 6 of the Vienna Convention, or that differ from said models only in the adoption or deletion of non-essential headings.

These permits will be valid for asix month period, at most, counted from the time you have acquired residency in Spain, but after that time they are no longer valid and Cuba falls into that category.

The Caribbean country is not in thelist of countries with exchange agreements for the homologation of a Spanish driving license.

In other words, if you are Cuban in Spain and want to drive, you must obtain anew spanish permit because the regime does not have a signed agreement with Spain and therefore you cannot exchange your driving license for an equivalent driving license.

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