A young Cuban woman identified asHeidi Rock reported that she is at risk of femicide and that theAlamar Police has ignored their complaints and released their attacker on bail.
In a Facebook post, the young woman, 31 years old and mother of two, states that she fears for her life and does not want to be anyone else "thandies at the hands of an ex-husband psychopath".
He adds that he decided to make a public complaint againstGeovanny Ibáñez González –the father of her 4-year-old son and from whom she separated last December– "in view of recent times, the murders of women at the hands of their husbands or ex-husbands have increased." This week, a neighbor of hers in Alamar was murdered in her apartment even though the police were on the ground floor of the building.
He says that on several occasions he has reported Ibáñez González to the authorities for domestic violence "in front of our 4-year-old son" and that a few days ago this man "tried to take my life with a knife."
He explains that he failed to kill her because "the neighbors and my father interfered."
After this event, the young woman made a complaint to the National Revolutionary Police of Alamar, to which she presented all the evidence of harassment, death threats and intimidation. The document, sent to CiberCuba, is dated December 15, 2023.
When Ibañez González was arrested for the first time, he threatened to kill her eldest son and throw her own son, the little 4-year-old, off the balcony, Peña details.
However, after a second arrestthe man was released on bail without the police notifying the potential victim.
In statements toCyberCuba Peña said he learned that his attacker had been released thanks to an acquaintance who works at the police station alerting him.
"There was never a call from the police letting me know that I would be released on bail, I found out through friends who belong to the Police unit. How is it possible that a person like that can have two bail bonds and be on the street," the victim questioned. .
He assures that "there are juvenile officers in the area who know his situation and know that he is at risk, but the Police say that they do not work when there are no cars and if you call they say that they do not give the information by telephone."
Peña clarifies that "I have not been the only one." Her attacker has several complaints filed with the PNR for problems of violence against other women, but "every time he is released on bail he comes out with a smile on his face and stating that he has friends who make friends for him," she denounced.
The young woman blames the Alamar PNR for having granted her bail for the second time, after he tried to murder her on December 14 in front of the child.
She claims that she is terrified, that she must haveleave your neighborhood out of fear for his attacker to return. Furthermore, she says that it took a lot of courage to make her public complaint on Facebook, because she fears that he will take some retaliation for this fact.
Last year, femicides in Cuba amounted to 88, there were nine attempted feminicides, two gender-related murders and six cases that require access to police investigation, according to the sub-registration of independent gender observatories.
The regime, for its part, published an even higher figure – 117 as of the end of October – but did not refer to these deaths due to gender violence as feminicide, but rather as femicides, a term that frees the authorities from responsibility.
However, many victims had already filed complaints with the authorities about domestic violence, and their cases were ignored.
The most recent sexist crime known in Havana also occurred on January 11 in Alamar, and the neighbors claim that "the police did nothing to prevent it, they wasted time and let the man kill his wife." .
In a special magazineThe sneeze the Alas Tensas Gender Observatory reiterates that "the victims of feminicide did not “ask for it”. "The women who lost their lives in 2023 did not choose to die at the hands of their partners or ex-partners."
This organization demands help tools for those women who feel in danger of their lives.
In March, the independent organization YoSíTeCreo published 16 demands that require the Cuban State to have an integral prevention system for gender violence and that is responsible for the problem.
They also called for the creation of an early warning system, specialized services for the care of aggressors and protection of trans people, as well as the creation of shelters for women in danger of feminicide.
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