A group of Hispanic mothers gathered on Friday in front of the Miami court where Cuban teenager Derek Rosa is being tried, and asked for a fair trial for the minor, accused of murdering his mother in Miami on October 12.
The women came from states as far away as California to demand that Rosa be treated fairly "like a child," and said they trust his innocence, the channel reported.Univision.
This, despite the fact that the teenagerHe has confessed on at least two occasions that he murdered his mother with a kitchen knife while she slept next to a newborn baby's crib.
The protesters asked from outside the hearing – which was finally postponed – that an investigation be carried out.thoroughly the case, suggesting that there may be someone else behind the heinous crime, and that Rosa be transferred to a juvenile prison.
The activists have asked from other platforms, for example, that Rosa's stepfather be investigated, who was not in the apartment but is mentioned at least three times in the call that the accused made to 911 on the night of the crime, and that same recording where a voice is supposedly heard in the background asking "who are you talking to?"
The lawsuits also address concerns about the formation of a preconceived public opinion; and they affirm that the teenager "has already been sentenced and condemned by the public" before the case is legally resolved.
Friday's hearing, which attracted Hispanic protesters from states including California, was postponed to another date. In it, a motion was presented to declare Rosa as "Indigent", that is, without resources to pay for his defense, so that the court provides him with a free defense.
Derek's supporters say they will continue to support him even if he is found guilty.
Derek He has confessed to being the author of his mother's crime on at least two occasions. The first interrogation of Rosa by the Hialeah police on the same night of the event was recently revealed, where he details the crime and shows the blood stains on his clothes and hands.
In a previous hearing, another interrogation was revealed where he again confessed to being the author of the murder; and an officer said that upon reviewing the child's devices there were recent Google searches about effective killing knives and the location of the coronary artery.
Despite signs of support from some family members, including her father and grandmother, Rosa faces a trial as an adult for first-degree murder, scheduled for late February.
A coroner said the woman, who had given birth 14 days earlier, had 46 stab wounds all over her body except for the back of her knees. Many of them were in the face.
The judge has refused to transfer the accused to a juvenile prison for theseverity of the charges.
The audio of the call, as well as a recording of Derek confessing how he had stabbed his mother with a kitchen knife, are two of the most talked about pieces of evidence in the case; as well as images captured on camera of the baby's crib, which show the victim cradling the girl before going to sleep, and then her attacker allegedly murdering her.
Among other evidence, the prosecution has revealed a selfie of Rosa where she appears with bloody hands after supposedly committing the crime; and the kitchen knife with which the woman was stabbed.
At the hearing held on Thursday, December 14, the prosecution showed the audio of the confession, which was played by the channelUnivision.
Officer: So, you went to sleep around 10?
Derek: Yes.
Officer: And then what happened?
Derek: I woke up and went to the kitchen. I grabbed one of the kitchen knives and went to her room and then I...
Officer: Okay, you can say it.
Derek: I killed her.
Officer: Did you kill her? Okay, what kind of knife was it? Know?
Derek: It was a kitchen knife.
Officer: That big? (He seems to be making signs with his hands)
Derek: Yes.
Officer: What color was the handle of the knife?
Derek: Purple
Officer: Purple?
Derek: Yes.
Officer: Was your mom sleeping?
Derek: Yeah, she was sleeping.
Officer: What did you do after you killed her?
After the last question, Derek said that he had tried to shoot himself with his stepfather's guns, but couldn't.
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