Cuban girl Amanda Lemus is already admitted to Spain

At the airport in Spain, the mother's suitcase was lost with all her clothes, laptop and phone charger. Activist Lara Crofs doesn't know where they are, only that there was a driver waiting for them, not an ambulance. Then the mother lost all communication.

Amanda Lemus con su mamá en el avión © Garlobo Lvv / Facebook
Amanda Lemus with her mother on the plane Photo © Garlobo Lvv / Facebook

The Cuban girl Amanda Lemus, who traveled to Spain with her parents on Sunday to undergo a liver transplant, she arrived in the European country on Monday and is admitted to a hospital with her mother.

The activist Yamilka Lafita (Lara Crofs) He announced that the little girl is in Spain, although he noted that he does not know where, because the girl's mother is without communication.

"They took her out of the airport through a different door than the rest of the passengers. She managed to tell us that there was a driver waiting for them, not an ambulance. But she completely lost communication," he said in Facebook.

Photo: Facebook / Lara Crofs

"There were friendly and supportive hands waiting to hug them and give them coats and other essential supplies, but they preferred that I not establish contact. How ugly, what a lack of respect. Hoping to hear from them soon," he added.

Hours later, the user Facebook Garlobo Lvv reported that The minor and her mother, Milagros Ortiz, are hospitalized.

Capture from Facebook / Garlobo Lvv

At the airport in Spain, Amanda's parents had problems at baggage claim.

He influencer known as Edmundo Dantés Junior recounted in Facebook what Milagros's suitcase was lost (or never got on the plane) with all her clothes, laptop and phone charger.

The friends who went to receive the family could not see them at the exit because they were waiting for them inside the airport.

Facebook screenshot / Edmundo Dantés Junior

"Lara Crofs says on Instagram that they spent several hours without communicating because they had no way to do so, since Mila still does not have a way to charge her cell phone. Emmanuel [Amanda's father], who is not in the same place as them, is without Wi-Fi. There are friends taking care of both situations, so they can communicate," he described.

Several Cubans are denouncing on the Internet the regime's intention to make believe that Amanda's improvement and her operation abroad is a merit of hers, and not of all the media pressure exerted by the independent press, activists and citizens, as well as the solidarity from anonymous people who helped the family with food and donated money for their trip.

"The Cuban government will now seem 'interested', it will even seem that they did something... But we all know that we achieved this miracle together," he stressed in Facebook Dantes Junior.

Facebook screenshot / Edmundo Dantés Junior

"Lara Crofs was with her and her parents from the beginning, suffering all kinds of impediments. We all live day by day with the obstacles that the Cuban government put in place. The story is there and it exists. Nothing can take that away from us. The important thing is that it is will operate. Let's wait for more news," he added.

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