Mother of a Cuban girl in need of a transplant: "I'm not going to let her be one more"

The minor's mother attacked the Ministry of Public Health for making false promises while her daughter's clinical condition worsens every day.

Yanirys Mesa, mother of Ashley Manuela Echaide Mesa, a girl in urgent need of a liver transplant, attacked the Ministry of Public Health for having promised her that they would take the minor to Spain for surgery, something that has not happened so far.

“Is this how we are a medical powerhouse?”Yanirys questioned in statements collected byMartí News in which he specified that his daughter has been waiting for a transplant since she was born.

“They are not interested in anything and my daughter is between life and death and with each passing day she deteriorates more. They don't care becauseWe truly are a medical powerhouse where children die every day in this country and they are not interested", the young woman attacked.

Yanirys explained that about three months ago, when she went to complain, the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) told her that in January they would have an answer about taking the girl to the Iberian nation for surgery.

“These are the holy hours that my daughter is still waiting for that transplant, which never came,” lamented the mother, who says that her daughter is vomiting blood and is getting worse every day.

“I'm going to do what I have to do for my daughter and I'm going to take this wherever I have to take it, but she's not going to die.”added the young woman who did not hesitate to even mention Díaz-Canel in the midst of her attack against Cuban public health.

"I'm not interested in politics, I'm not interested in anything, the only thing that interests me is my daughter and I'm going to go with her as far as I have to go, and I'm going to do what I have to do, but I'm not going to let her be another of those who have died in this filthy, disgusting country,” he concluded.

Since April of last year, Yanirys Mesa has been asking for help on social networks toobtain a humanitarian visa to any country where you can have a liver transplant your girl and save her life. However, so far she has not succeeded and her little girl is getting weaker and weaker.

"I can be your donor, we are the same blood group, but we have no way to leave Cuba to do this surgery. I don't want financial help, I just ask that you help me save my girl with a humanitarian visa," said Yanirys. Table in a video then shared on their social networks.

In recent years there have been several cases of families who have had to assume the same wait, in the midst of which some of the minors have not managed to overcome it.

In August of last year, the boy Cristian Bencomo, who was waiting for a liver transplant,He died in a hospital in Havana. In an emotional post on Facebook, the boy's father, who had requested a humanitarian visa and a liver transplant in another country to save him, thanked those who supported the family and described Cristian, just three and a half years old, as a fighter. .

On those same dates,an 11-month-old girl, patient with liver cirrhosis, She had been waiting for a liver transplant for seven months, according to Dr. Alexander Jesús Figueredo Izaguirre, who explained that the minor had been diagnosed since she was two months old and had been abused by the Cuban public health system for seven months.

In November the case ofMilan Michel Navarro Reinoso, another child with liver cirrhosis, resident in that case in Santiago de Cuba, who also urgently needed to undergo a liver transplant.

In recent days the mother of the Cuban girl Amanda Lemus Ortiz, whoHe has been waiting for a liver transplant for almost a year that she urgently needs, she apologized to her little girl for not being able to offer her the medical care and treatment she needs.

"You were born in the wrong country", concluded the mother in a heartbreaking text addressed to her own daughter.

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