Cuban mother apologizes to her daughter who needs a liver transplant: "You were born in the wrong country"

The heartbreaking request of a Cuban mother: forgiveness for her daughter awaiting a liver transplant, in a country that turns its back on them.

La pequeña Amanda y sus padres © Facebook / Mila Ortiz
Little Amanda and her parents Photo © Facebook / Mila Ortiz

The mother of the Cuban girl Amanda Lemus Ortiz, what He has been waiting almost a year for a liver transplant that he urgently needs, apologized to his little girl for not being able to offer her the medical care and treatment she needs.

“I apologize, my daughter, for being born into a poor family, for being the daughter of a worker, for not being the daughter of someone famous and powerful. "I apologize for not having parents with enough influence to buy you your health, to buy you the food you need, the medicines, the things that a girl like you needs," he wrote. Mila Ortiz in their social networks.

Facebook screenshot / Mila Ortiz

Lemus Ortiz, a resident of Sancti Spíritus, is less than two years old, suffers from bile duct atresia, and underwent surgery when she was two months old with the purpose of lengthening the wait for a liver transplant to save her life.

However, while his short life deteriorates, the Cuban Public Health authorities have not been able to perform the transplant, despite several promises made in that regard.

Apparently, at MINSAP She is more concerned that her case is not made public on social networks, and that the desperate mother does not insist on her complaints and requests for a humanitarian visa to operate on his daughter in another country.

“Forgive me, because although your father and I are willing to give our lives for you, to give you that liver that you need so much, you were born in the wrong country, because here you are nobody, my love, here your loss will only be remembered and suffered by your family,” the mother expressed in her heartbreaking publication.

In statements made in April of last year to CyberCuba, Ortiz explained that the baby's father was a possible donor, "because they share the same blood group."

“I was waiting for his operation with great hope, but they told me that there are no conditions to perform said surgery, due to the absence of personnel and accessories. I tried to get the necessary things to do it, but they were denied because it is prohibited to bring anything from the street,” the mother reported almost a year ago.

At that time, the situation became even more complex for the family, who had to do everything possible to guarantee the food that the little girl needed, such as cereals, milk and meat.

“No one cares about you my girl, no one who has the power to save your life. For them you are just another girl, a poor Cuban girl, whose future is to suffer, because you have no money, because your family is poor. Neither your mother's voice nor your father's university studies are worth the input to save your life,” Amanda's mother lamented this Sunday.

Since their complaint in April 2023, Cuban authorities have only told parents that “they have to wait”. According to what the mother told this newsroom, the request for a humanitarian visa was in response to the rapid deterioration of the girl's health.

“We are full of uncertainty and pain, because we have the most important thing, which is the compatible donor. We don't see a light of hope, because they only tell us that we have to wait," he denounced.

This Sunday, in the grip of terrible anguish and immense pain, the desperate mother had no strength other than to ask her daughter's forgiveness for the misfortune of being born in Cuba: a country mired in an unprecedented crisis and misgovernance, which threaten the security of citizens with food shortages, collapse of public services, and growing poverty and inequality.

“Forgive me for bringing you to this insensitive world, to this world where those who have power do not feel: they only eat, and travel, and enjoy. Nobody loves you like we love you, nobody suffers from you like we do. I am ashamed to call myself Cuban, it hurts me that because of a signature you cannot have surgery, because my country has turned its back on you, my country has already buried you and you are still alive, fighting like the warrior that you are. Fight my life, because, even if we are poor, we will fight with you,” Amanda's mother concluded.

Biliary atresia occurs when the bile ducts inside or outside the liver are abnormally narrow, blocked, or missing. These carry a digestive fluid from the liver to the small intestine, to break down fats and filter waste out of the body.

In Cuba they are carried out liver transplants since July 1999 and the first institution to do so was the Surgical Medical Research Center (CIMEQ), in an operation that required the transfer of a donor from Ciego de Ávila to Havana.

A few years later, in 2002, this type of intervention began to be performed at the “Hermanos Ameijeiras” Hospital and in 2004 at the “William Soler” Pediatric Hospital, all in the Cuban capital.

This Tuesday too, Yanirys Mesa, mother of Ashley Manuela Echaide Mesa, a girl in urgent need of a liver transplant, He attacked the MINSAP for having promised him that they would take the minor to Spain for surgery, something that has not happened until now.

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