More than 67 thousand Cubans arrived in the US in 2023 thanks to humanitarian parole

In total more than 69 thousand Cubans have been authorized to travel thanks to parole.

Personas esperando en un aeropuerto de EE.UU. (Imagen de referencia) © YouTube/screenshot-Telemundo 51
People waiting at a US airport (Reference image) Foto © YouTube/screenshot-Telemundo 51

More than 67,000 Cubans arrived in the US in 2023 thanks to the humanitarian parole, according to updated statistics from the United States Department of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released last Friday.

Overall, as of the end of December, 327,000 migrants, including Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans, arrived legally in the US under parole.

Specifically, more than 69,000 Cubans, 133,000 Haitians, 60,000 Nicaraguans and 87,000 Venezuelans were approved and authorized to travel with parole.

Furthermore, 126,000 Haitians, 53,000 Nicaraguans and 81,000 Venezuelans are already in the United States thanks to parole.

Between an unprecedented migration crisis In recent years, fiscal year 2023 closed with 200,287 applications from Cubans to the US immigration authorities, just 24,000 less than the previous period, when 224,607 migrants from the island crossed the borders.

Travel permit approval It is not an endorsement for the automatic delivery of parole when appearing before CBP authorities, who have the power to grant entry into the country.

Last May, the US government introduced changes to the application selection process, combining the random approval of cases with attention to requests with longer waiting times.

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