Several injured in Matanzas after a truck overturns on the National Highway of Cuba

Despite the spectacular nature of the accident, there was no loss of life, only significant damage to the old truck from the 1950s.

A car accident What happened this Saturday on the National Highway of Cuba left several people injured after a 1950s truck converted to transport passengers overturned.

“Tremendous accident earlier today on the highway. A truck overturned at Km 122, more or less, of the highway,” reported a user in the group of Facebook ‘Bus & Truck Accidents. For more experience and fewer victims!'

Screenshot Facebook / Bus & Truck Accidents

Other publication uploaded to the same group specified that the accident occurred at kilometer 120 and that, despite the spectacular images, only injuries were reported in the accident.

According to a user's comment, the owner of the vehicle used to transport passengers resides in the town of Manatí, in the province of Las Tunas.

Screenshot Facebook / Bus & Truck Accidents

The accident, of which the location is not specified, could have occurred on a section of said highway near Jagüey Grande. In the images shared on social networks, the truck can be seen on its side, with the cabin completely destroyed.

Firefighters and an ambulance went to the scene, but at the time of writing this note neither the authorities nor the official press reported what happened.

The incident occurred just 48 hours after accident that left a truck overturned this Thursday at kilometer 41 of the National Highway.

The source, who shared a photo in the aforementioned group, said he did not know more details about what happened. The image showed a vehicle overturned on the side of the highway - which at that point passes through the province of Artemisa - with the wheels on the road and the cabin on the ditch.

Despite the spectacular image, in the comments section of the publication an Internet user who passed by the place reported that there were no deaths, although he did not detail whether there were injuries.

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