At least 28 injured in traffic accident in Bahía Honda

The injured are young UJC militants who were returning from volunteer work in the sugarcane areas of the Harlem Company.

Camión accidentado © Periódico Artemisa
crashed truck Photo © Artemisa Newspaper

A traffic accident in Bahía Honda, a town in Artemisa, left at least 28 people injured, including two seriously injured.

According to information from official newspaper of ArtemisaThe official causes of what happened are not yet known, although they did specify that those involved are “young UJC militants who were returning from volunteer work in the sugarcane areas of the Harlem Company.”

Facebook/Artemisa Newspaper - Official

One patient with splenic rupture arrived at the Comandante Pinares General Teaching Hospital in San Cristóbal, while five were transferred to hospitals in Pinar del Río and Havana, the director of the San Cristóbal hospital confirmed to the aforementioned source.

One of the injured is in a life-threatening condition.

Facebook/Artemisa Newspaper - Official

One of the witnesses to the event, the volunteer from the Community Operations and Relief Group (GMOS) of San Cristóbal Alieny de la Caridad Aranda Ruiz, said that the time of the incident was around 11:49 in the morning.

“Until the moment I was at the scene, it was said that it could have been the loss of control of the rudder. The transmission bar broke and the two rear wheels on the right side came loose,” he indicated as the alleged cause of the accident.

The young woman also added that they spent almost an hour transferring the injured. "Among the consequences, preliminarily, there were head traumas, injuries to the ribs, strong blows to the joints and the head. In total there were about thirty people injured," he said.

A latest update on the accident released by the ARTV Telecenter, in Artemisa, increased the number of injured to 37, between 18 and 68 years of age. According to their condition, 7 serious patients are reported.

Facebook/ARTV-Artemisa Telecenter

Furthermore, they indicated that the truck in which they were traveling belongs to the Sugar Company, and in addition to the members of the UJC, it was transporting other workers.

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