Chevrolet and Lada accident in Havana leaves the "almendrón" body deformed

The accident caught the attention of several social media users who wondered how it was possible that the Soviet-made vehicle suffered less damage than the American one.

Imágenes del accidente © Facebook / Accidente Buses & Camiones
Images of the accident Photo © Facebook / Bus & Truck Accident

A collision between a taxi and a classic American car from the 50s, known in Cuba as “almonds” resulted in material damage to both vehicles, which collided in the Arroyo Naranjo municipality of the capital.

“Right now in the CUPET of Porvenir and San Leonardo, fortunately only material damage,” reported a user in the group of Facebook ‘Bus & Truck Accidents. For more experience and fewer victims!'

Screenshot Facebook / Bus & Truck Accident

The images shared in the publication allow us to appreciate the state in which both cars were left after the impact. Surprisingly, the body of the almendrón (a Chevrolet from the 1950s) was more damaged than that of the vehicle. Pepper Soviet made.

In that sense, several users expressed their surprise, since the general opinion among Cubans (often corroborated by the facts) is that - in a crash against an almendrón - other cars have the upper hand, since their bodywork is usually more robust. .

However, in the case of this accident, which occurred near the Víbora Park gas station, the body of the Almendrón was more deformed than that of the Lada. In any case, fortunately the accident ended without fatalities or serious injuries.

On the eve of last Christmas Eve, an almond tree was left with its trunk destroyed after being hit from behind by a fire truck in the Arroyo Naranjo municipality.

A week before, on the eve of New Year's Eve, the driver of an almendrón lost his life of the state taxi company Gran Car in an accident that occurred in Las Tunas.

In mid December, An almendrón and two Ladas were involved in a spectacular accident multiple traffic that occurred on the Havana Malecón.

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