After more than half of February, the blackouts in Cuba They continue to be produced in a massive, prolonged and systematic way.
After the dates of New Year's celebrations, the Cuban population has witnessed a drastic cut in energy generation, a situation that Electrical Union of Cuba (UNE) He tries to normalize with his daily informative notes.
Although in the first days of January, the state company warned of power outages around 200 MW, in the middle of the month the first massive blackouts of the year, with impacts greater than 800 MW.
The trend has been increasing and, for a couple of weeks, Cubans have been experiencing power outages throughout the day, exceeding 900 and 1,000 MW of impacts during peak hours.
For this Sunday, “an availability of 2,063 MW and a maximum demand of 2,950 MW are estimated for peak hour, for a deficit of 887 MW, so if the expected conditions continue, an impact of 957 MW is forecast during this time.” .
Fuel shortage keeps out of circulation “85 distributed generation plants, the Patana de Regla, the Fuel de Moa engines and the Santiago de Cuba patana for a total of 742 MW,” indicated the UNE in its social networks.
“Yesterday [Saturday] the service was affected due to a deficit in generation capacity from 06:21 in the morning until 00:02 today. The maximum impact on the day was 1,085 MW at 6:50 p.m., coinciding with the peak hour," said the company that runs Alfredo Lopez Valdes.
Meanwhile, the “cadre movement” initiated by the ruler Miguel Diaz-Canel to “correct distortions and re-boost the economy,” still does not affect the Ministry of Energy and Mines, nor to the company that the regime commander personally and constantly supervises, Ramiro Valdes.
The official press, for its part, dedicates its coverage to electricity generation projects from renewable energy sources, showing solar panels and companies that install them, as if the immediate future of UNE clients was bright.
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