The Cubans included in the National Terrorism List prepared by the Havana regime, including communicators, influencers and diaspora activists,They can travel to Spain without fear that there will be an alarm that warns them to stop them when they step into any airport in the country. From the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairshave confirmed to CiberCubathat they have no record of this list of people classified as terrorists.
To questions from CiberCuba, about whether the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation has received notification of the list of terrorists of the Cuban regime, official sourcesThey limited themselves to answering that to that department"There is currently no such notification."
In the same sense, the Spanish Ministry of the Interior responded that, although they assure that it is not possible for them to report on this type of matters related to terrorism, they clarify that no one could be detained at any Spanish airport without first being authorized by a judge."In any case (the arrests) would require judicial authorization", they pointed out to CiberCuba.
These statements join those of the Spanish MEP Jordi Cañas, vice president of the EuroLat Assembly, in charge of relations between Europe and Latin America, who in an interview granted to this medium assuredthat a dictatorial regime cannot propose terrorists. Furthermore, he clarified that "no one in the European Parliament has taken seriously the list" of terrorists of the Cuban regime because relations with the Government of Havana "are getting worse" and in Europe real terrorists are persecuted, not to those who are included in a list for opposing Miguel Díaz-Canel.
"The list of terrorists is decided by the European Union and the United States. It is evident that a dictatorial regime cannot propose terrorists and even less so when these alleged terrorists are defenders of Human Rights, democracy and people who are only asking for a better future for the island and for Cuban citizens," said Cañas.
The Díaz-Canel regime says it has delivered its list of terrorists to the United States.This was published on its website by the Island's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ensuringthat "the Cuban delegation conveyed information and cooperation proposals to the US side on the activities of people living in the United States, identified by their links to terrorism, illegal human trafficking and other illicit activities."From the Island they also assure that they delivered their list to Interpol.CiberCuba has contacted this international organization to confirm that it has received the notification and to find out what measures it has taken in this regard, but has not received a response.
However, Interpol has leaked that the next elections for secretary general, which will be held in June, They could influence the current mechanisms to control abuses of authoritarian regimes.Under the current mandate of Jürgen Stock, the control mechanisms for "red notices" have been tightened to prevent the persecution of opponents of totalitarian countries. However, the appointment of a Brazilian as Stock's successor could represent a step backwards and open the doors to the excesses of governments such as those of Cuba, Turkey and Belarus, taking into account the friendship that unites Havana with Lula da Silva.
It must be remembered that in September 2018, the Cuban activist Rosa María Payá, an opponent of the Havana regime, was detained at the airport in Peru.by an international alert from Interpolwith his name. They finally allowed him to enter Peruvian territory after taking his fingerprints. She responded saddened by what she considered a collaboration between this South American country and the Cuban G2.
At the beginning of December of last year, the regime published a list with 61 names of Cubans, most of them residents in the United States, who have open cases for terrorism on the Island. That national list was made public a week before the Government of Biden would once again include Díaz-Canel among the countries that sponsor terrorism (along with North Korea, Iran and Syria). Hence, the Cuban list has been interpreted as a way to expose an alleged double standard of the United States, which includes Cuba among the sponsors of terrorism while giving shelter in its territory to alleged terrorists, in the eyes of La Havana.
Among the Cubans included in the National List of terrorists are Alexander Otaola, Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat, Eliecer Ávila, Liu Santiesteban, Manuel Milanés, Alain Lambert Sánchez (Cuban paparazzi), Jorge Ramón Batista Calero (Ultrack) and Eduardo Arias León.
The experts also linked the publication of the list of 61 Cubans accused of terrorism with the arrest in Florida offormer American diplomat Víctor Manuel Rocha, 73 years old,accused of working for decades for Havana as a secret agent.
In his extensive 25-year diplomatic career (he became the United States ambassador to Bolivia), Rocha worked for Republican and Democratic administrations in Latin America during the Cold War years. In fact, he was assigned to the US Interests Section, at a time when the US embassy in Havana was not yet open.After his arrest, he is charged with 15 charges and faces sentences totaling 60 years in prison.
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