Cuban finds piece of pumpkin in bread from the warehouse

Cubans suspected that the regime was making bread with pumpkin.

Pan con calabaza © Facebook/Mildrada Garcia Gama
Bread with pumpkin Photo © Facebook/Mildrada Garcia Gama

A Cuban woman claimed to have found a piece of pumpkin with its shell in the bread at the bodega.

The user ofFacebook "Mildrada Garcia Gama" published images of the product, where you can see the piece of pumpkin inside.

"For those who didn't believe they were making pumpkin bread, here I show you today's bread in my cellar, peel and all, now I wonder, did they wash the pumpkin?" he questioned.

Publication inFacebook

Yesterday another woman said she found a pumpkin seed in the bread: "If you are going to send bread made of pumpkin, please remove the seed because the children are going to choke," she said.

Cubans had already suspected that the standardized bread sold by the regime was being made with pumpkin due to the shortage of flour.

During 2023, Cubans experience irregularities in thesale of standardized bread.

For example, in Ciego de Ávila, families began to receive astandardized bread of only 50 grams, instead of the usual 80, due to theflour shortage that is suffered in Cuba.

In June of the same year, the Cubans were left several days without thebread from the basket basic after the country ran out of flour for its production, as a consequence of a shortage that seems to continue today and that is supplied by substitute products such as sweet potato, pumpkin, among others.

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