Young Cuban pilot dies in motorcycle accident

The victim, identified on social networks as Darian Mimi Pérez, lived in Camagüey and participated in motorcycle races and events held in that city.

Darian Mimi Pérez durante exhibición de motos en Camagüey © Facebook / Darian Mimi Pérez
Darian Mimi Pérez during motorcycle exhibition in Camagüey Photo © Facebook / Darian Mimi Pérez

A young pilotmotorcycles He lost his life this weekend after suffering aaccident in Cuba, as reported by Internet users on social networks.

The victim, identified on social networks asDarian Mimi Pérez, resided inCamaguey. As can be seen in his publications, the young man was fond of exhibition shows andmotorcycle competitions in his province.

It is unknown if Damián died in any of these events that are usually held on Sundays in the old Camagüey rodeo from late at night until early morning. However, on social media profiles related to these events, a show was announced for this Sunday.

Screenshot Facebook / Julio Hernández Soto

“We are waiting for you tomorrow Sunday, from 10 am onwards, in our second big event. Do you want to see these beautiful beasts run? Well join us; We are just around the corner from the Japanese park, at the entrance to the Camagüey rodeo. We are waiting for you to enjoy a different Sunday, full of adrenaline and speed,” said the user ofFacebook identified asJulio Hernandez Soto.

Thelast post appeared on Darian's profile was made on Sunday at 8:30 pm. “Working hard,” said the young man in an ironic tone, sharing a photograph of himself in the company of two other people, in which they are seen drinking Parranda beers.

Screenshot Facebook / Darian Mimi Pérez

“Whoever passed through our lives and left light will shine in our soul for all eternity. “Two angels together,” the user identified asAndres Estrada, one of those that appears in the last image posted by the deceased young man.

Several Internet users have reacted and commented on thepublications de Estrada, lamenting the death of the young man and expressing his condolences to family and friends.

Screenshot Facebook / Andrés Estrada

“That poor child. It's very hard to see a person full of life and dreams die in such a traumatic way like this," said one user in the comments.

“The news is very sad for his parents, family, neighbors and all the friends who knew him. My son treated him at night at the Camagüey hotel and, when they told him, what great pain, what sadness, he didn't believe it. May God bless him,” said another.

“EPD my hateful skinny. May God have you on the most beautiful track in heaven, Victor awaits you there. "How much pain you have left here, my child!" lamented a user.remembering the death in October 2022 of Víctor Manuel del Valle Ramos, a motorist from Camagüey, just 19 years old, who died as a result of an accident.

Screenshot Facebook / Andrés Estrada

The last public publication of the young Víctor Manuel, who debated between life and death for several days, was also precisely during a motorcycle race.

Legalized by the Cuban regime, motorcycle racing in Camagüey began at the end of August, when an event called 'A todo motor' was held, in which motorcycles of all types from Santiago de Cuba, Havana, Ciego de Ávila, Sancti Spíritus, Florida participated. and Camagüey itself, according to the officialRadio Florida.

The independent media from CamagüeyCuba Time He highlighted that this event was attended by local authorities, the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and the Sports and Recreation Institute. However, despite the “official” nature of these races, a source who preferred anonymity indicated that “bikers from other provinces participate in them and bets are usually organized outside the law.”

Apparently, the Cuban authoritiesThey agreed to the legalization of these races after the death of young Víctor Manuel in a semi-clandestine race in October 2022.

As the independent media pointed out, the death of the young pilot of an AX100 motorcycle shocked a multitude of Camagüeyans and had a great impact on social networks, forcing to some extent the decision of the authorities regarding some competitions in which they shine for their absence of security measures for contenders and the attending public.

At the time of writing this note, neither the official press nor the authorities report the tragic event that ended the life of Darian, another young Cuban victim of his passion for motorcycles and the improvised regulatory framework established by the Cuban regime for this type of activities.

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