Shock in Camagüey due to the death of a young man in a motorcycle accident

The deceased young man was just 19 years old.

This article is from 1 year ago

An emotional caravan made up of dozens of motorcycles accompanied this Monday, October 17, in the city ofCamaguey the mortal remains ofVictor Manuel del Valle Ramos, a motorcyclist who was barely 19 years old died as a result of a accident.

(Source: Facebook Capture/Oscar Pockets Blancos)

Images published on social networks show the impressive display of vehicles and people on foot who gathered around the funeral home and the cemetery to say a final goodbye to the young man, whoHe was dedicated to motorcycle racing, a dangerous hobby which usually has serious consequences in case of accidents.

(Source: Facebook Capture/Teresa Valentina Guerra)
(Source: Facebook Capture/Teresa Valentina Guerra)

“When he was about to cross the finish line, a person got in front of him and collided with him, both of them died.”, explained one of his friends on social networks after being questioned about the cause of Víctor Manuel's death.

(Source: Captura de Facebook/Israel Guerras Medinas)

The moving video of the funeral shows how after the coffin was taken out of the funeral home and before being taken to the cemetery,A group of friends stood in a group around the young man's mortal remains, while a motorcyclist did pirouettes and acrobatics in a circle.

“I have just attended the wake and funeral of the young motorcyclist Víctor Manuel del Valle Ramos, only son of friends. Impressive wake and burial. The most impressive thing is to see that devastated family [...] Young people, be aware of the facts", lamented on Facebook a family friend who called on youth to take extreme precautions in the face of a hobby, in this case, considered very dangerous.

(Source: Facebook Capture/Teresa Valentina Guerra)

In social networksNumerous friends of Víctor Manuel have dedicated moving expressions of affection and “champion” treatment to the deceased.

(Source: Facebook screenshot/Oscar Ramírez)

Víctor Manuel debated for several days between life and death, as revealed in a publication by the young man's mother, who on October 16 asked for help and prayers for her son's health.

(Source: Facebook screenshot/José Luis del Valle Andrade)

The last public publication of the young Víctor Manuel del Valle on Facebook was precisely a motorcycle race, as revealed by his profile on the aforementioned social network.

Motorcycle races in Cuba are illegal but that does not prevent them from taking place frequently.

It is not the first time in recent months that dozens of motorcycles circulate together to say a final goodbye to young motorcyclists who died in accidents. It is a recurring practice marked in all cases by high emotionality.

In June, a caravan made up of dozens of motorcyclesaccompanied in the Mayarí municipality, in the province of Holguín, the mortal remains of Mailer Ayala Ramírez, another young motorcyclist who died in that case in a traffic accident.

In March, another motorcycle caravan accompanied themortal remains of the 21-year-old motorcyclist, Yunior Tabares Magdariaga, died in Santiago de Cuba after he lost control of the vehicle and fell into a hole in the middle of a street in the capital of Santiago.

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