Motorcyclists ask that racing be authorized in Cuba

Despite the danger that these challenges represent, Cubans continue to participate in them because they claim that they can earn thousands of pesos in 20 seconds.

Cuban motorists expressed their desire that the authorities authorize theraces on the island, ensuring that there are many fans who enthusiastically follow this type of competition.

The races ofmotorcycles They have faced decades of prohibition in Cuba, except for sporadic motocross competitions and the occasional exhibition of racing cars, such as boat races on the Havana coast.

However, Cuban enthusiasts continue to find creative ways to keep their passion for car and motorcycle racing alive.

In statements to the independent mediaCubaNet, Antonio Trueba García, leader of the "Team la Fama" motorcycle club, expressed his desire for motorcycle racing to be authorized on the island.

This club, like many others in Cuba, organizes friendly competitions in short sections of 100 to 300 meters, mainly using Suzuki motorcycles with cylinder capacities of up to 115 cubic centimeters. In addition to competing, these clubs function as a big family, providing mutual support to their members.

“I wish there were thousands of resources and they would authorize a track that one could run, not like they do, where they call for a car activity and then when it is a motorcycle activity they suspend it,” said a young mechanic who dreams of legal motorcycle racing.

Despite the lack of resources and the regime's refusal, enthusiasts believe that the authorization of these powers would be beneficial. They argue that racing attracts crowds and, in the absence of regulation, often results in dangerous situations when police intervene, which could be prevented by legalization.

“There is neither disposition nor resources,What they did in San Nicolás de Bari was a joke to try to calm things down because people are asking for it. They even put an ambulance, who doesn't know that here in Cuba there isn't even an ambulance to transport the sick,” said another member of "Team la Fama", who did not want to reveal his identity.

Beyond the prohibitions of the authorities – who maintain that these competitions are dangerous and generate social indiscipline – other challenges persist, since the importation of motorcycle parts and the fuel shortage make it difficult to practice this sport.

Interviewees noted that parts are expensive due to a lack of local supplies, and long lines for fuel further aggravate the situation.

“All the parts for this type of motorcycle are imported because in Cuba they do not sell any of this, so as the dollar rises the price of the parts rises, at any time there will be no one who can pay for them. On the other hand, there is the fuel, the queues do not stop, there are so many things that threaten this sport,” they told the aforementioned media.

Despite the obstacles, these passionate motorcyclists continue to fight for their love of motorcycle racing and hope that at some point the Cuban authorities will reconsider their position and formally allow these competitions, thus providing a safe and regulated avenue for this passion shared by many. on the island.

In mid-July it was published on social networksthe shocking video of an accident during a clandestine motorcycle race in Camagüey, warning of the danger posed by racing these vehicles with combustion engines and rim 13 tires, which make them more unstable.

People close to the driver stated that the young man survived, but the images were shocking: In the middle of the race, the motorcycle lost control and slid off the road, while the driver, identified as Robertico, was ejected several meters forward from the vehicle.

"That was on the Vertientes highway and luckily for everyone nothing happened to him, a week later he was running again, thank you very much," said a witness to the event, indicating that the motorcycle involved was a Kawasaki.

In October of last year, an emotional caravan made up of dozens of motorcycles accompanied the mortal remains ofVictor Manuel del Valle Ramos, a motorcyclist of just 19 years died as a result of an accident during a motorcycle race.

In 2017 an accident in another clandestine motorcycle raceleft at least one fatality on the Monumental road in Havana. Despite the danger that these challenges represent, Cubans continue to participate in them because they affirm that they canearn thousands of pesos in 20 seconds.

At the beginning of August, motorcyclists from the Placetas municipality, in the province of Villa Clara,They challenged drivers from other provinces to a race.

"It's Holguín, it's the center, it's Havana, it's malanga and its food stall. It's not on Facebook, it's here!" said one of the promoters of the competition, inciting motorcyclists from other cities to face a challenge. race on site, in your locality.

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