Cuban murders a couple in Granma province

The double crime was motivated by jealousy.

 © Collage redes sociales
Photo © Collage social networks

A Cuban murdered a couple in cold blood in the early hours of Sunday in the municipality Guise, in the Granma province, according to reports on social networks.

The aggressor has been identified as Javier Batista Arceo, who stabbed his ex-partner while they were sleeping, Rubiaxy Martínez, and the woman's current romantic relationship, a man named Yendris Espinosa.

Facebook Capture/Reporting Crimes in Cuba

The double crime occurred in the Los Pajales neighborhood, around five in the morning, according to lawyer Manuel Viera on Facebook.

“The male victim's throat was slit, his genitals cut off and inserted into his mouth, he died instantly. The young woman who survived the incident suffered multiple stab wounds to the neck, back and genitals and in the afternoon she had to undergo emergency surgery.”Viera described.

“Sad what we are experiencing today in our country! The levels of violence are already overwhelming, but the silence is even more annoying! Turning our backs on reality will not keep us from it! I love the people of Guise. So much so that I married a guisera, I receive this with pain. Please accept my respect and condolences, family and friends,” the lawyer concluded.

Capture of Facebook/Manuel Viera for the change

Although according to some sources Rubiaxy Martínez initially survived the attack, apparently he could not overcome the magnitude of the injuries and died in the hospital.

The deceased woman, 31 years old, was the mother of two young children who were the children of the attacker.

Feminist platforms have not echoed the double crime at the moment, nor have official media.

Until last February 28, under-registration was ten femicides so far this year, two cases that need access to the police investigation and an alert in the process of investigation.

Last week, the feminist platforms YoSíTeCreo in Cuba and the Alas Tensas Gender Observatory (OGAT) verified two new femicides that occurred in just 48 hours in the provinces of Ciego de Ávila and Santiago de Cuba in which violence prevailed. "extreme cruelty on women's bodies."

Without offering gory details that they always avoid, both platforms noted -however- that Both deaths were marked by extreme violence in their execution.

The underreporting of femicides in Cuba in 2023 stood at 89 femicides; nine attempted feminicides; two gender-related murders and five cases requiring access to police investigation.

In the course of 2023, after years of silence, the Cuban government admitted the problem, although emphasizing that there has been no inaction from the State.

Miguel Díaz-Canel called for "zero tolerance" with sexist violence, but in July he said that in the country Any criminal act is "exaggerated" and in particular those of gender violence.

In December the Government assured that the sexist murders on the island totaled 117 "at the end of October", but the criterion used was not specified.

The agency Which one indicated that the average profile of victims of sexist violence in Cuba in 2023 She was a 37-year-old woman, mother of at least one child, living in a rural area and murdered by her ex-partner.

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