Cuban government confirms that it requested help from the World Food Program

According to official sources, in the coming days Cuba will receive a ship with 375 tons of powdered milk from Brazil.

Leche en polvo (Imagen de Referencia) © Cubadebate
Powdered milk (Reference Image) Foto © Cubadebate

The critical economic and food situation that Cuba is experiencing was ratified with the request for help fromWorld Food Program (PMA) made by the government, in which it requests support for the supply of powdered milk for children under seven years of age.

The official mediaCubadebate was in charge of confirming the information, through an extensive article in which he ponders the relationship that the regime has had with said program of theUnited Nations Organization, and the various exchanges with which he justifies this claim for help, which appears in one of the most devastating moments of shortages on the island.

According to the aforementioned source, Cuba will receive "in the coming days aship from Brazil, with 375 tons" of powdered milk.

Likewise, he added, although without specifying whether there is a relationship with WFP aid, that “they have contracted 500 tons” of the same product from the United States, as well as "245 tons from Canada, 500 more from Brazil and 600 from different suppliers".

Independent journalists, in conversation withMartí News they said thatthis request made by the Havana regime Through “an official communication at the highest level of management” of the WFP, he confirms that “the state of the Cuban economy is alarming.”

“This shows the chaotic state of the national economy. There is no production. Only three provinces have been able to supply the regulated quota for children, up to 7 years old, with national milk production. The rest, to try to satisfy the supply for these children, has had to be imported. But since the country's internal finances are in crisis, it is very difficult to have money to import all that milk," argued the economist and independent journalist.Orlando Freyre Santana.

WFP had recognized this situation as an "urgent need" and underlined "the importance of this request," especially in the context of the "deep economic crisis facing Cuba," something that in its opinion is having a "significant impact on food and nutritional security." of the population," says the agencyWHICH.

Recently,Alberto Lopez Diaz, Minister of the Food Industry, reported at a press conference thatThe distribution of powdered milk in Cuba “will be guaranteed” during March and April, afterIn February, food was stopped being delivered to thousands of children in the country, which caused discomfort and protests from Cuban mothers and fathers..

According to López, “In the country, around 2,000 tons of milk powder are needed monthly to guarantee the regulated family basket for minors, pregnant women,diets and social consumption,” they reported.means of the official Cuban press.

However, the official assured that "there is a guarantee in import contracts, which will arrive gradually to satisfy that demand."

Although milk is not an issue with a happy ending within the Cuban context, in recent weeks it has hit rock bottom, due to the delay in distribution to children who receive food, both in powder and liquid, dating back to last year. .The protests of Cuban mothers have been constant, in demand of a food that is essential in the diet of minors.

The Minister of Internal Trade,Betsy Díaz Rodríguez admitted in the middle of the month that children from six months to two years old had not received milk since last February 5, but assured that the government was working with the available production and looking for alternatives with micro, small and medium-sized companies (MSMEs), so that they could incorporate their inventories into the basic basket.

Díaz stated that "the country's livestock potential does not guarantee the supply of milk" and "only Sancti Spíritus, Villa Clara and Camagüey guarantee the consumption of fresh milk in their territories."

He added that there are provinces like Las Tunas, for example, where there are two municipalities that only deliver half a liter of milk daily and others where half a liter is distributed every two days.

At the momentThe government delivers milk to 73,070 children in the country's warehouse network, through the supply book.

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