Donation of rice from China arrives in Cuba

The total donation will be 408 tons of rice, but it will be delivered in six shipments.

In response to thefood crisis in Cuba, the government ofChina Sended arice donation for the island's population, marked by the scarcity of the precious cereal.

The shipment arrived by air this Wednesday in Havana, at the José Martí international airport. They are the first68 tons of rice and mark the beginning of a set of shipments that will total 408 tons, intended to mitigate the food shortage suffered by the Cuban population.

Jorge Luis Tapia Fonseca, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and Vice Prime Minister of the Republic, highlighted the importance of this aid.

The shipment donated by China arrives in a context where rice, an essential component of the daily diet in Cuba, has become a scarce and increasingly expensive product for Cubans.

Tapia announced that this donation is part of a larger batch of20,408 tons of rice, which will be transported both by air and by sea throughout 2024.

The Chinese ambassador in Havana,Ma Hui, reaffirmed his country's commitment to the well-being of the Cuban people, highlighting that this donation is part of a series of assistance measures agreed upon between both nations.

Thefood shortage It has become particularly palpable in the Cuban provinces, where the government has recognized its inability to supply rice and other products that make up the regulated basic basket.

At Guantánamo, the authorities admitted thelack of sugar and rice just a few days before the end of March, a situation that is repeated in other territories and that aggravates tensions on the Island.

The regime assured that thedonated rice will be destined for regulated sale for citizens, in an attempt to relieve pressure on markets and so that families can access this fundamental food in their diet.

This act ofChinese solidarity It joins other international efforts that seek to support Cuba in the midst of an increasingly critical situation, marked by government inefficiency and lack of resources that exacerbate the daily difficulties of Cubans.

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